I really liked Hallow Bastion. The music was soo repetitive, I can find myself humming it now and then. I really like the battles{they seemed harder there}.
Death is Death.:satisfied: It'll be what we won't think it will be. We don't know if we have to walk to heaven/hell or if we fly there like Peter Pan. It's the Greatest Mystery.
And we shouldn't worry about it, 'cause we're gonna croak sometime!:)
I'm glad this is a thread.
I'm having some issues. With my faith, and "love life."
I'm a Christian, and I'm having some issues with their beliefs. For example, I agree that homosexual people should have the right of marriage but my church condemns it. The history seems a little off to me,etc.
And in my "love life", I'd just broke up with a girl who actually understood me for who I was and still am. I moved over the summer and had to break up. I live in Ken. while she lives in Tenn. I've tried to start a relationship, but Mr. Bad Luck seems to be haunting me.
There's a certain girl at school that I'm friends with. We've gotten to a satge where we feel comfortable around each other and pass notes during class{es}. I asked her out at the beginning of the year, but she had a boyfriend.
And I think I'm in love with her.
Please help.
To be honest, mortals cannot become impossible. We, as humans, have got it in our heads that Death itself is a bad thing, but in reality, it's great. We're only supposed to live for so long, there's a reason we die.
I do believe in God, but I don't think he's punishing us. If that was the case, he/she would've dumped us looonnnggg ago. I mean, for the other Christians, he wouldn't have bothered with the whole Eden fiasco. He knew what was going to happen. He knew we were going to Fall and everything after that.
And to respond to an earlier post{don't know who didi it but hey} Philip Pullman wrote His Dark MAterials Trilogy to help show us the darker side of the Roman Catholic Church even though it was called the Magisterium in the books. I love the trilogy becasue it gives us an atheist view and some great moral lessons. Oh, and God isn't God as in who you think he is. He was the first angel created and claimed to be God but dies of old age in the third book.
Repliku leaves such looong replies...:)
But he's right Naruto. I think you should show the kid some goodness and mercy, that kind of thing. Be nice to him even though he may be a jerk. That'll teach some important lessons that he may have missed while he was boasting about beating up.:satisfied:
But how do you know it's correct? [Just arguing because I feel to add a point mate.] So we look at apes and monkeys and say, "Hey, they share 90% of our DNA{numbers are not exact}." If we're cousins, how come their not humans? If we came a ape-like ancestor, how come apes aren't human?
Here's a scenario: The first cell appears on Earth. But it dies because it has no way of eating and getting rid of the waste. So it dies. The basic cell cannot live. So what's it gonna do? Come back to life and keep dying till it gets it right? no.
There had to be some intelligent planning in the creation of the Universe.
Another point: The Big Bang. Scientist say there was nothing, then there was a huge KA-BLOOIE! and over millions of so-so years, our solar system came to be. But that's not right. There had to be a action for the reaction to happen. There had to be two gases or something to make it happen. If there was nothing, then how can an explosion randomly happen?
Kids act violent because the present generation was violent. And so was the present gen. and so forth. Isn't this going to end? All this crap about whether you're not cool or not, or don't believe the same thing,don't act like everyone else, don't dress like everyone else? We, as a society, as a nation, need to stop this. I know most of this feeling is human. We have a natural aversion to people who aren't like us.
Can this end?
It's a typical summer night as you lie in bed with your window open letting in the cool air as it blows gently by. You look up into the night sky and see millions of stars in the inky blackness of space. You wonder, "Are there other worlds out there that hold intelligent life and perhaps a world that holds adventures that the fantasy and sci-f- writers write so much about these days?"
Ok, maybe you haven't. But I have. What do you people think about this?
Here's a wild thought:What if God creted us through Evolution?
"Wait," you're thinking. "God supposedly created the Earth in a week."
How are you going to explain billions of billions of years to people in the 1st or 2nd century? Not by using big numbers. I guess the writers of the Bible decided to shorten it down to a week so that it all made sense. Each day stands for something he created.
In my opinion, God did create the Universe, but in a way we'll never understand because our brains are too small.
Hi. I'm a black kid. And I was not mad at what you wrote. I suffered the same thing in middle school.
I am adopted and the family is pretty much made up of white people{we have some asians and mexicans} and so I "dress" like a white kid. Tight jeans, and I actually wear a belt and I'm smart just like every other white kid. The other African-American children would wear baggy clothes, cuss a lot, and not have so hot grades.
They called me "Oreo" and "Micheal Jackson" because I was black on the outside but deep down was white, which in turn they titled me Mike because -well think about it. It's too hard to type about it.
Anyway, I stumbled through two years of middle school of this crap and moved. At my high school now wheere I'm a Freshman, I'm still callled an Oreo. But I've hardened my self in time to where I don't give a rat's behind anymore.
I have to agree with Repliku. There are so many stereotypes and groups and kids these days always seem to make fun of one another beacause they are in one group and they don't understand them.
Next time the kid messes with you, give him a good long glare that says,"Get the heck away from me." Don't say anything. Walk away. And I've noticed that those kids claim a lot of things, but in reality, they didn't happen.
Ok. I've been reading this quiz, postponing my shower time to answer this thread. Boy, I'm dedicated!
In my short beautiful life, i've come to a conclusion that there is a higher being of power,deity,etc. which I simply choose to call God because it's short and sweet. And easy to remember.:]
I also believe in Heaven and Hell. Yet i believe God looks at your morals and decides where you go. Hitler was an evil man who commited man-slughter of millions of people, and Gandhi was a man who spread his opinion of peace to the Indian people.
We all know murder is wrong. It's in our brains form the moment we are born to the day we kick the bucket. There is nothing wrong with being peaceful. In fact, life would be better if we were all that way.