Recent Content by Lordgeorge16

  1. Lordgeorge16
    Works like a charm! Thank you so much.
    Post by: Lordgeorge16, Dec 12, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Lordgeorge16
    I've already searched high and low with Google and it didn't turn up anything. If it was in one of these threads, it would have pointed me in that direction.

    Is it possible to make an infinite health code for the Gummi ship? Those sections of the game are so tedious and boring compared to swinging around your Keyblade at anything that moves. I'd like to put as little effort as possible into the Gummi routes.
    Post by: Lordgeorge16, Dec 12, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Lordgeorge16
    Are there any codes that give the Gummi ship infinite health? Preferably in Codebreaker or RAW format, please.
    Post by: Lordgeorge16, Dec 12, 2015 in forum: Code Vault