Hayyyyy. D< Why are you familiar to me?!
Omg haiii! :d
Pretty good. Macie hasn't abused me in a while... Liar! I've nevar abused my vampire!!! Y.Y I hope you do great on all of them!!! :D All right, thank you! I'm finally catching up and becoming more social. xD;;;
Just catching up with school and stuff... What have you guys been up to? I know, I'm so sorry! How have you been?!
*ish glomped and glomps back* Hiya! ^^ Awe, that's great!!! :] We're glad for you, Yuna. Aren't we, guys? *glares at Vincent and Demyx* Yes. Yupp! ^^
*jumps out of bush she has been hiding in* BOO! ... Remembar meee? :}
Y.Y Where did Siren-chan goooooo~?!
Oh my. *dies* Too much violence in one post~! @.@ ((xD))
Boyyy, you did not just be eatin' my Demyxz!! D= Fear my awful wrath!! ...*throws Q-Tip at you* I will clean your ears~!!! >D
Uh-ohz. D= I think I must... Run, run away~! =D
Oh noez. D= I'm getting the feeling that Ian wants to eat meh again!
C'mon, man, think logically. >< JayKay ^^ What's up, guys?
Great. He means that it's cool~! ^^;
I possibly could... If I did, Macie probably would have stolen it somehow... That makes absolutely no sense, but t'is true.
Awe, I'm so sorry. =[ *huggles* Maybeh Vincent could cheer you up...? Don't get me into anything. Shush, Vinniecent.