Recent Content by Lloyd

  1. Lloyd
    The swarm is still there, they just reduced the count to one, but just keep going in and out and eventually you will find the swarm.

    And I was kind of hoping for a pre-Roxas solution, because he's kicking my butt, easy.

    Well, I beat Roxas, and Xigbar...and Luxord, and got Magnega. But it looks like they took away the part of the swarm that makes it awesome and fun and kick-***.

    Or am I wrong?
    Post by: Lloyd, Aug 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Lloyd
    I figured out the attack pattern, but uh, whenever I cast Magnera it doesn't do any of the killing that it should.

    Are you supposed to have Magnega for it? Because I did it just fine in KH2 but I can't remember if I had Magnera or magnega.

    Post by: Lloyd, Aug 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Lloyd

    Uh, what would that attack type be in Japanese?
    Post by: Lloyd, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Lloyd
    Ok, I'm trying to do the pride lands level up glitch thing. To my dismay (really, I was crushed when I found out), they reduced the amount of times a swarm appears atop Pride Rock. Nevertheless, I still have lots of time and I am willing to go through what it takes to level up enough so the enemies in the Cavern of Remembrance won't tear me to pieces in a second.

    So, in KH2 I did it just peachy fine, but since the swarm appears only 1 in 8 times (right?), I'd like to get it right so I don't have to wait even more. I disabled all of my party member's abilities, and I'm thinking of just ditching Simba, but under the customize section, what would be the translations for the attack types?

    I know there are Technic Attack, Huddle Attack, and another one. I tried reading it, but it doesn't look like it is English in Japanese characters, so I don't really know what they mean. Can someone help me out with that? :P

    Also, which one should I choose for best results when I level up?

    Thanks a lot, I appreciate it.
    Thread by: Lloyd, Aug 17, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Lloyd
    Just to further test out the disk, I went to my friend's home today with my PS2. First, we tried his disk on my PS2 and it didn't work. Then we tried it again and it did, and it worked a third time as well. Then we tried mine on his PS2 and it failed.

    So, I've got some returning to do.
    Post by: Lloyd, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Lloyd
    Well, to my stupidity, I asked a friend who owns a swap magic and his also has the lines.

    This same friend also owns the same PS2 as me, and the same swap magic as me, and his works as if it had been blessed by fairies. So, I think I will contact the seller and ask for another copy, seeing as how I visited my nearest Gamesquare and cleaned the disk, and then asked them to try it on their PS2. It didn't work.

    Oh, also, I might add that it is only the DVD version that is faulty, the CD is peachy fine. So I think I will crucify thegiantstore for their act of.......eeh...let's go with treason.
    Post by: Lloyd, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Lloyd
    Well, I just got my Swap Magic 3.6 (USA version) from The Giant Store, and as of right now...I don't recommend them one bit.

    Someone please answer the following questions for me:
    My Swap Magic disk (aside from having worked in my ps2 a stunning 20% of the time) has several lines on the back that appear to actually be a part of the disk. See the picture.

    The top of the disk doesn't even say Swap Magic 3 plus on it, just Magic 3 plus, however when I loaded it sucessfully those two times, it did say Swap Magic 3 plus version 3.6.

    Those two times I successfully loaded it, I swapped KH2:FM+ at the screen that says "Load Program" and asks for the video mode, then I hit X on the Load Program selection, and low and behold it shows up!!!
    Don't excited however, because what showed up was in fact the traditional red PS2 screen informing me that I should put in a PS2 format disk.

    So very clearly mine does not work well. As of this moment, I don't suggest thegiaststore, but rather ultimateconsoleguides or allmodchip.

    So, maybe someone here can tell me why it doesn't work well, am I missing something? My console version is 390001, it's a very old one, and it's never failed on anything, so I don't see why swap magic wouldn't work with it...

    Here are the pictures: - The disk I've got - The lines on the back of the disk... - The Giant receipt...
    Post by: Lloyd, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Lloyd
    If Roxas and Namine are the inner halves of Sora and Kairi, they're not just going call anyone using a phone and ask to come over...
    Post by: Lloyd, Jul 7, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Lloyd
    A legit website from which to purchase a swap magic.
    Post by: Lloyd, Jun 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Lloyd
    Ok, KH2:FM+ isn't coming to the US, I knew that, which is why I bloody ordered it from yesasia.

    Now, besides allmodchip, I just want to know what site most people bought their stinking swap magic from, because (I might as well just say it) my friend who also bought KH2:FM+ never got his swap magic and his order was never even placed, even though the transaction is shown...

    So since that happened, I'm just a little wary.

    Since ten very reputable people (some with awesome sigs) already said it's not moving anywhere outside Japan, perhaps people could just answer my question instead of commenting on KH2FM's american release.

    Thanks, and sorry to be so stingy! :(
    Post by: Lloyd, Jun 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Lloyd
    When you type in, you get the following:

    Now, no one really answered my question.

    Is ConsoleForce a decent website to purchase swap magic from? Because I've heard these modding websites aren't too trustworthy...

    What website did most people get it from?
    Post by: Lloyd, Jun 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Lloyd
    Well, I've talked to other friends of mine who tell me not to trust consoleforce.

    What do you guys think? Because I just need the swap magic, and don't say to buy it from the official site, because you can't buy it from there, only from affiliates.

    Which is one to trust?
    Post by: Lloyd, Jun 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Lloyd
    While all the 13th songs are excellently done, the unfortunate part is that they are all so good you can't really compare (in my opinion).

    KHII just has a good soundtrack, that's all there is to it.
    Post by: Lloyd, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Lloyd
    Ah, it works now, that's odd. I googled that website a bit earlier and it just wouldn't load.

    I see Console Force on the purchasing list, so I will go right ahead and get it from there.

    Thanks a lot!
    Post by: Lloyd, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX