Lol, my icon for a while. XDD
Thanks. Your cat one looks cool too. What's up?
Thank you. I love your name. It's amazing.
Okay. Let's be friends then. XDD
Still good. So. You just decided to show up and leave a message?
Well, that's reassuring. How's life?
Do I know you?
YAY~ More members, And of course you didn't. Technically, there's no such thing. I got bored, so I made it because PEOPLE NEED TO APPRECIATE JASPER! T_T
Fine... How are you?
Yeah. Thanks. Sorry, I haven't been on. Overwhelmed.
It's his hair. I'm serious. You know he didn't wash it for like... Six weeks to make it stay like that? It's disgusting.
Great. Still really busy though. ... It's my birthday tomorow. xD
Sorry. I Haven't been on. I gotta go. Later.
YAY! I's healed. Sorry I haven't been on, I've been... Quite Busy.