Ether (an item sora uses to recover magic).
here you go (n_n)smile (._.)uh.. oh (-__-)sick, sleepy, tired (;_; )tears (T_T)cry, sad (@_@)dizzy (O_O)amazed (*^*)astonished (>_<)ouch (^_^)happy (my favorite) *(^O^)*happier (^o^)glad (?_?)mad (?_?")pissed off (X_X)dead (=_=)boring (*-*)i love it (don't get this one) (!__!)sad (o_O)incredulous (*O*)incredible \\(<.<|>.>)//Glancing around ([-])crying (p_q)confused (o_o)seriously? (;O; )crying bad (_O_)duh (.O.')confused (-_-; )i messed it up ('_')serious (?_?)what? ('O')singing m(_ _)msleeping on the desk, giving up w(^o^)Wwow (/_\)melted, sad (=^_^=)cat, kittie (u_u)sad (?_?)blue mood (>x<!)damn! (*?*)drooling (?_?)fake smile (Y_Y)infinite sadness ($_$)money talks (?_?)mad (♥_♥)in love (xOx)noooooo (>O<)yuck! (-_o)wink 8(>_<)8jealous (?_?)what r u looking at (z_z)sleepy (9_9)didn't sleep (>>)look awry (6.6)feint (~o~)you're crazy (^_^)/~~bye (ToT)/~~~sad goodbye (;_; )/~~~goodbye (crying) (^-^)V victory p(^^)q good luck (#_#)beaten up \(^o\) (/o^)/ dancing (n///n) shy (o|o) surprised (U_U) i'm sorry (.-.) shocked (>*-*>) hug ^(*-*)^ hands up (^-^)b congratulations \(*O*)/ fabulous, great (^^)// cheering ((((((^_^; ) escaping ((+_+)) uhmmmm (^o^)y peace (>.<) arrrrgh! ($v$) greedy (mad especially for Kitsune (~_^)) (-.-)zzzzz asleep (~_^) wink ( )( O . O )( ) Monkey, dog, animal face ( L_____L ) ~zzz Sleeping (^w^) Happy Neko (someone help me with this one) (>w<) Crazy Happy Neko (help me with this one too) (OwO) Wow (^;_;^) Cry happily (?_?) what the!?! (?_?) uhh... (?_?) yeah right...
added RSKO
woah you guys are touchy O_o
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whats urs????
whats with the numbers??Which buttons are they!?
neoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!one!!!!!!! im changing it lol
check it =D
i like KH way better(well not that much but you get my drift ;) ). Kh was more of a chalenge and the first game was so original it was just <3,lol
Some people from this site are flaming them too. So basicly we need to be the bigger person and just stop.