Ooo, trivia! I would love to participate in this! :D
Awesomeness! Is it weird that I like this Xion better than her actual English voice? No, unfortunately that one was just a text scene. Which sucks, because that was one of the scenes I was really looking forward to seeing. lol
**SPOILER WARNING!!** Yay, my first TWEWY GMV! :D There isn't really much of a story in this video, I mostly...
My video from the second round of the AMVAlliance's GMV Beta Wars! :D If you like this video, go vote for me here!...
My video from the first round of the AMVAlliance's GMV Beta Wars. Song: A Beautiful Lie by 30 Seconds to Mars...
My number shall be... 223.
My number shall be...223.
Download: Part 3 of TWEWY cutscenes, including all of the scenes from the third week (with...
Download: Part 2 of TWEWY cutscenes, consisting of all of the scenes from the second week...
Download: Part 1 of TWEWY cutscenes, including the opening and all of the scenes from the...
I am definitely not a fan of Taylor Swift (or most country music in general) but this song has grown on me, and I...
Something weird happened to the timing...whoops. Anyway, I made this a couple months ago, and kinda forgot about...
I made this forever ago, just messing around, and...I know, it's pretty terrible. I kind of hate it. A lot. But this...
I don't normally make "pairing" videos, but I really wanted to use this song, so here's a nice little SoKai thingy....
This isn't my best video, just a little something I wanted to make with this song. WARNING: Contains spoilers for...