Recent Content by larxenex

  1. larxenex
    *Laughs randomly* Hi. :D
    Profile Post by larxenex for Amaury, Jul 12, 2012
  2. larxenex
    Hm... I would think that would be pretty useful if you would want to know when you became friends with other people, but is it actually necessary?
    Post by: larxenex, Jul 12, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. larxenex
    Hi, Lone. :) I would LOVE to be your friend if you care to send me a friend request anytime.
    Post by: larxenex, Jul 12, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. larxenex
    Thank you. :) I'm thinking about posting a Sora gender bender. [I'm currently working on it!]
    Post by: larxenex, Jul 12, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. larxenex
    Hey, guys. :) Here are some of the art I did on my free time. I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I did after I was finished with them. Net time, I'm thinking of coloring these-- (These are just sketches.) I also take drawing requests, if you enjoy my art. You may also need to view it in a larger size because some of them are a little bit small to see...
    Harry Potter Gender Bender

    Thread by: larxenex, Jul 1, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. larxenex

    Hello all!

    Hello. :) I wouldn't hesitate if you would want to be friends with me.
    Post by: larxenex, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. larxenex
    Thanks, man. :) I'm a big fan of Percy Jackson. I love the series.
    Post by: larxenex, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: Archives
  8. larxenex
    Hello, guys. This was a fan-fiction series that I've been working on myself. (Of course I'm not going to sell it!) Please keep in mind that if you are reading this story, please don't copy.

    Chapter One

    The day of the car crash was one of Sylvia’s most fears of her life; there was her mom and
    dad, bundled up like
    sandwiches in the smashed-up car seat; Sylvia screaming for help as she tried to pound her way through the car's window. Help came, but no one knew what had caused the car crash--Even the police officers who had rescued Sylvia and her dead squashed-up parents didn't know either. "Are you sure you're making all this up, kid?" One of the police officers asked Sylvia. Sylvia shook her head in dismay. "I'm not joking, OfficerA giant lunged towards our car and then smashed it with its club! I'm not kidding!" The police officer didn't take any of it. They just said that her parents were probably driving too fast on the road and probably crashed into something big that probably dropped on them. Sylvia kept on saying the same thing until the police officers had enough. "Look--kid... If you're trying to make up a story, you're doing a pretty good job of it." Sylvia looked as though she might explode in any minute. "MY PARENTS DIED FROM GETTING SQUASHED BY A GIANT!" she screamed at the Officer. The other police officers had to hold her back before the Head Officer lost his temper with her.

    Sylvia groaned as she woke up. She started to stretch as she got out of bed, but accidentally slipped on what looked like somebody's slipper. She picked up the slipper and then threw it on the side. She cursed under her breath as she saw someone walk out of the girl's dormitory bathroom. It was Susie Brown.

    "Looks like Sleeping Beauty finally woke up!" Susie snickered and then walked towards Sylvia's direction. "Here--you hold this and wipe the floor." Susie threw her dirty wash towel in Sylvia's direction. Sylvia didn't catch it but let it fall to the ground. "PICK IT UP!" Sylvia shouted, starting to wake the other girls. "No! You do it yourself!" They were about to fight when the girl's dormitory door opened with a bang. "Cleaning time..."

    Sylvia glared at Susie and then stuck out her tongue. Susie looked like she was about to explode; her face was as red as a cherry. Denis Dud, the Head of the Inspection Team walked into the room and then ordered the rest of the Inspection Team to go in. The Inspection Team looked through the whole entire room to see if it's clean or dirty.

    "Look at that corner of the room." Denis said, pointing towards Sylvia's bunk. Sylvia's bunk was undone; her pillow was tossed aside on the floor in her sleep and her moldy bed sheet was thrashed aside onto the ground when she woke up from that terrible nightmare. "Clean that up now." Susie said. Sylvia walked over to her bunk reluctantly and then fixed up her bed in about ten minutes after that.

    Thread by: larxenex, Jun 29, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. larxenex
    Nope. But did you try to clear your browser cookies and cache? I never got that warning before.
    Post by: larxenex, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  10. larxenex
    Hey, XerraX. :) I hope you have a fun time here. This is a lovely place for KH fans. (Like me). I hope you won't get into any trouble now...
    Post by: larxenex, Jun 27, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  11. larxenex
  12. larxenex
    LOL XD That's funny AND stupid at the same time. I hate JB and don't care about him.
    Post by: larxenex, Jun 27, 2012 in forum: Current Events