Demyx's Sitar is the best lol it's so awesome :)
she's crazy lol HELP PLEASE!?!
The Dark Knight <3 best movie ever :)
Xaldin for me. He turns into that stupid dragon thing and crap -_- i kept dying
Bond of Flames and Oblivion are my favorites :]
i like them both, but Re:CoM was too short.
My was Xaldin :rockdover: it took me forever to kill him
i like the oblivion and the Nightmare Before Christmas keyblade. I cant remember what it's called.
Well which do you like better? Burger King Or McDonald's? I say McDonald's all the way :D
i didnt like CoM Axel. He was too mean. He killed Vexen and Zexion :( damn you Axel
i almost cried when Vexen died. Even though i thought he was a little annoying his death scene was sad. I mean he begged for his life and he was injured so he couldnt protect his self. :( Poor Vexen