and now patch for FM+ ? =P COM FM+ i mean and im using PCSX2 =) and i have a import/export program ^^ Btw i can't find the save there =P
So i need to start over again >.< LOOL thats okay .. xD almost the 5 first worlds completed at proud mode and now i need start over again xDD
hmm i have KH Final mix+ pack and re chain too LOOL but im actually playing RECHAIN not FM+ =/ There is diference beetween them?
<Lol im odd ^^'> i downloaded that ... but my FM its english videos idk why then .. with patch or not but my KH2 its japanese videos ... ofc both are japanese but the cutscenes of FM its dubbed ... well its FM+ idk if it is something wrong with it =P
Hello there... im tired of searching on google for this =P I want the kingdom hearts 2 or 2 final mix english patch =P I still want voices in Japanese but only the subtitles and MENU in english =P I nevah Played KH2 with japanese voices but i got them patched on Chain of memories and was COOL AS HELL =D and i want do the same to KH2 or KH2 FM... Anyone could help me with?
Happy birthday! Xd