Recent Content by lalala90

  1. lalala90
    Ok, this may be a tad bit different then the rpg's here but here
    From since you were a child, you have always wanted to be worth it in life. You wanted to either be a musician, actor/actress, writer, model, or something else that would get you into the big business. One day a new Television show is made where you can come and show you’re special talent. You decide to join it and meet lots of new people friends, crushes, and rivals. There will be one winner, and it may be you!

    User Name:
    Age: 18- 30

    Sandra Bait's girl
    Magenta Carol girl
    Ramond Kerk boy
    Samul Cabor boy
    Sarah Liny girl
    Tina Gregary girl
    Yuki jones boy
    Leslie jones girl
    Joseph jones boy
    Conner jones boy
    Sabrina Sun girl
    Maria Hend girl (Judge)
    Thread by: lalala90, Jan 1, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Retirement Home