Recent Content by Laharl

  1. Laharl
    you can actually play the game in its form right now if you want to go through the work of adding it in mugen yourself. they are released to play right now. unless you prefer to wait for the final release.
    Post by: Laharl, Jun 30, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  2. Laharl
    This is awesome to know hes being promoted here an honor it is. I used to be a member of this game But I ended up kind of quitting due to not being able to handle the pressure and I prefer to work on things when i feel like it not feeling they need to be done.

    Either way Ultraboard Has come a LOOOOONG way from before and I am truly glad to know hes being recognized for it. He did an amazing job editing the longass videos I sent him for this. Not taking credit in anyway shape or form for the characters themselves this was all him. I still help with whatever he needs me to when possible. Thanks again for giving this recognition these are indeed the BEST kh chars for mugen to date period.
    Post by: Laharl, Jun 30, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects