Recent Content by Lagunamov

  1. Lagunamov
    Is there any chance of getting a code that removes the HUD like the one listed here, but that still lets you use commands, attacks, D-Links, etc? The removal of it already is pretty useful for getting screens, but it can be a bit difficult to get certain things like combos, finishing commands, etc.

    Either way, thanks for all the other codes. Particularly the character mod ones.
    Post by: Lagunamov, Sep 29, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Lagunamov
    Well, I finished this AMV a few days ago, and thought I'd post it, even if it's not KH related. This is an AMV covering all three games of the new .Hack trilogy: Rebirth, Reminisce and Redemption, so obviously there are spoilers in here. The song is Beyond the Bounds, from Zone of the Enders 2 and performed by Maki Kirioka.

    Please watch and give feedback on it.
    Thread by: Lagunamov, Aug 27, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  3. Lagunamov
    Thanks a lot. I've started passing my vids through WMM now (too bad there are lots of them...)

    Anyway, I have another question that's been bugging me for a while: which rendering options should I use to get the best quality out of the video in Vegas? I tried Avi a few times, but the size of the vid ends up being way too big (over 500 MB), and the others I've tried darken the video and lower it's original quality, like this


    I know it's not exactly the same frame, but you can still tell the difference, even if it's slight. But with dark scenes, even that slight difference can screw things up.
    Post by: Lagunamov, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  4. Lagunamov
    Ok, I have one question: I got Vegas a few months ago, but ever since then I've noticed that certain video files have unknown streaming properties for Vegas. I was wondering if anyone knew why's that and how to make those videos actually show once uploaded in Vegas, since all that it can upload is the audio part and not the video.

    Also, this happens with AVI files which are way too common, leaving me with a limited amount of clips to work with sometimes. So, any help is apreciated
    Post by: Lagunamov, Jul 29, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  5. Lagunamov
    I finished this coloring a couple of days ago, which took me about two weeks to get done.

    Here's the link

    Sorry for having only a link, but I don't feel like making a preview image for forums and stuff :P
    Thread by: Lagunamov, Jul 9, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Lagunamov
    My first AMV using Sony Vegas. Also my first time posting here, even though I registered some time ago.
    Anyway, the video focuses on Riku's struggle with the darkness throughout the three games.
    And on kh-vids own video portal

    Anyway, C&C
    Thread by: Lagunamov, Jul 9, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio