Recent Content by Kyoruu

  1. Kyoruu
    The converters I downloaded didn't seem to work for me, but thank you so much for your help. ^^
    Post by: Kyoruu, Apr 21, 2011 in forum: Technology
  2. Kyoruu
    Oh, yes, I do use the VLC to download it, but it doesn't allow me to use it on iMovie. See, I want to do a fandub audition with some of the clips, but in order to do the voiceover, I need it to be placed in iMovie.
    Post by: Kyoruu, Apr 21, 2011 in forum: Technology
  3. Kyoruu
    Hello all. I'm not totally sure if this is the right place to post this, since I'm brand new to this site, and all.

    Basically, I do not have Windows Media Player, due to the fact I have a Mac, and not a Windows computer. Is there a way I can still download files on this computer, or will I have to download the Windows Media Player, somehow, onto my computer?
    Thread by: Kyoruu, Apr 20, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Technology