Recent Content by kuxir97
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Codes
Game ID: CUSA05787
Version: 1.00
Code:Max HP - Sora 0xD58360 FF01FF01 Max HP - Riku 0xD583DC FF01FF01 Lv99 (Defeat an enemy) - Sora 0xD58350 FFFFFF00 Lv99 (Defeat an enemy) - Riku 0xD583CC FFFFFF00 Max droplets - Sora 0xD58364 0009 Max droplets - Riku 0xD583E0 0009 Unlock every keyblade - Sora 0xD56CF6 01020202 0xD56CFA 03020402 0xD56CFE 05020602 0xD56D02 07020802 0xD56D06 09020A02 0xD56D0A 0B020C02 Unlock every keyblade - Riku 0xD56D16 11021202 0xD56D1A 13021402 0xD56D1E 15021602 0xD56D22 17021802 0xD56D26 19021A02 0xD56D2A 1B021C02 Room Mod 0xD7B16A XXYYZZ00 0xD7B16E 00000000 XX= World YY= Room ZZ= Position (01 reccommended) Some rooms will make you fall underground Max Munny 0xD5844C FFFFFF00 Max Medals 0xD5C1F8 FFFFFF00 x99 Drop-Me-Not 0xD57c51 63 x99 Dream Candy 0xD57C41 63 x99 Panacea 0xD57C49 63 x99 Potions 0xD57191 63 Unlock every ability 0xD5829A 05050505 0xD5829E 05050505 0xD582A2 05050505 0xD582A6 05050505 0xD582AA 05050505 0xD582AE 05050505 0xD582B2 05050505 0xD582B6 05050505 0xD582BA 05050505 0xD582BE 05050505 0xD582C2 05050505 0xD582C6 05050505 0xD582CA 05050505 0xD582CE 05050505 0xD582D2 05050505 0xD582D6 05050505 0xD582DA 05050505 0xD582DE 05050505 0xD582E2 05050505 0xD582E6 05050505 0xD582EA 05050505 0xD582EE 05050505 0xD582F2 05050505 0xD582F6 05050505 0xD582FA 05050505 0xD582FE 05050505 0xD58302 05050505 0xD58306 05050505 0xD5830A 05050505 0xD5830E 05050505 0xD58312 05050505 0xD58316 05050500 Unlock every recipe 0xD56D84 00030103 0xD56D88 02030303 0xD56D8C 04030503 0xD56D90 06030703 0xD56D94 08030903 0xD56D98 0A030B03 0xD56D9C 0C030D03 0xD56DA0 0E030F03 0xD56DA4 10031103 0xD56DA8 12031303 0xD56DAC 14031503 0xD56DB0 16031703 0xD56DB4 18031903 0xD56DB8 1A031B03 0xD56DBC 1C031D03 0xD56DC0 1E031F03 0xD56DC4 20032103 0xD56DC8 22032303 0xD56DCC 24032503 0xD56DD0 26032703 0xD56DD4 28032903 0xD56DD8 2A032B03 0xD56DDC 2C032D03 0xD56DE0 2E032F03 0xD56DE4 30033103 0xD56DE8 32033303 0xD56DEC 34033503 0xD56DF0 36033703 0xD56DF4 38033903 0xD56DF8 3A033B03 Unlock every dream piece 0xD56EE0 00066300 0xD56EE4 01066300 0xD56EE8 02066300 0xD56EEC 03066300 0xD56EF0 04066300 0xD56EF4 05066300 0xD56EF8 06066300 0xD56EFC 07066300 0xD56F00 08066300 0xD56F04 09066300 0xD56F08 0A066300 0xD56F0C 0B066300 0xD56F10 0C066300 0xD56F14 0D066300 0xD56F18 0E066300 0xD56F1C 0F066300 0xD56F20 10066300 0xD56F24 11066300 0xD56F28 12066300 0xD56F2C 13066300 0xD56F30 14066300 0xD56F34 15066300 0xD56F38 16066300 0xD56F3C 17066300 0xD56F40 18066300 0xD56F44 19066300 0xD56F48 1A066300 0xD56F4C 1B066300 0xD56F50 1C066300 0xD56F54 1D066300 0xD56F58 1E066300 0xD56F5C 1F066300 0xD56F60 20066300 0xD56F64 21066300 0xD56F68 22066300 0xD56F6C 23066300 0xD56F70 24066300
I'm also working on 0.2BBS, but the tools available so far are not helping too much, i need to manually search for values and the game uses a huge amount of ram.
If you would like to help you can contact me anytime.
Note: these codes are for real time ram editing, and are not related to savedata modding.
RTM Guide Ps4:
You need a Ps4 on Firmware 4.05, web exploit by IDC, PS4AIO.
- Run the IDC exploit
- Open PS4AIO, on the bottom right corner click on inject payload
- Press PS and start the game
- Load a savedata of DDD or 0.2bbs
- Go to peek and poke on PS4AIO, type kh3d.elf or kh02.elf and connect -
Play as Hooded Roxas (Model) / DMA Data-Roxas
0 005C0908 726F7861
0 005C090C 73
0 00CA9B58 010C3590 <----- This line should be right
0 00CA9B68 010F6730
0 00D14B58 0112DDC7
0 0285BB2D DE009400
2036d8c0 61786f72
0036d8c4 00000073
E004FDFF 0034D45C.............R2 [model mod]
207d7458 00bf0e90
207d7468 00c137c0
20842458 00c4aec0
11ce267c 009400DE
It still crashes after skipping the cutscene, I figured out the values are offsets, and seems like I'm very close, even tho it should have work already. I've been checking the ram for hours just for 3 lines *facepalm*
line 1 offset-value difference ps2 4299320 ps3 4299320 = 0
line 2 offset-value difference ps2 4440920 ps3 4508616 = 67696
line 3 offset-value difference ps2 4229736 ps3 4297327 = 67591
And if you are wondering why I am trying to use a DMA model, well... This is another example of why the ps3 gives more problems than expected:
0 0280E980 4E5F4558
0 0280E984 3832305F
0 0280E988 42544C00
This is a simple code, it's just sora's model replaced by roxas, a mushball should appear, works fine on ps2, it's just a model. Ps3 gives infinite loading when changing room ,but shows the mushball on menu and even on cutscenes if you apply it at the right time.
What to do? -
Play as Dark Warrior Sora
(constant write)
0 027F6A88 0057
0 0280EAEF 0A
0 0284E73C 30333000
0 0284E740 00000000
0 0284E744 00000000
0 007744C0 002B
0 0077536C 002A
0 0284D846 09A2 <--- Weapon Mod (Dummy)
0 0285BB2D B2005300
0 0280EAA4 3130305F
0 0280EAA8 48544C46
Play as Dark Warrior Sora - Has Antiform effects / Can use magic (might crash after boss battles)
(constant write)
0 00775514 00121212
0 0077550c 00121212
0 0077554C 00121212
0 007754f4 04000705
0 007754f8 640909
0 00775500 4561
0 02805114 46BA98
0 0280EAEF 0A
0 0284E73C 30333000
0 0284E740 00000000
0 0284E744 00000000
0 007744C0 002B
0 0077536C 002A
0 0284D846 09A2
0 0285BB2D B2005300
0 0280EAA4 3130305F
0 0280EAA8 48544C46
Note: You can't remove the first line and manually drive to master, unless you add a keyblade on the Weapon Mod
About the warrior final, I'm assuming the problem is related to final form in some way
Role Mod
40 02800000 00 must use this line
40- Player
41- Party Member
43- Boss (makes a finsher required to kill something, also makes things harder to get stunned by attacks)
44- Normal Enemies (makes things easier to kill)
48- Neutral (can be damaged by both allies and enemies, not sure if they can damage others)
49- Partner (out of party allies)
4C- Giant Bosses
Main Characters
- 0E97C-------- Sora
- 0E9DC-------- Valor Sora
- 0EA3C-------- Wisdom Sora
- 3675C-------- Limit Sora
- 0EA9C------- Master Sora
- 0EAFC------- Final Sora
- 0EB5C------- Anti Sora
- 0EBBC------- Roxas
- 0EC1C------- Mickey (black coat)
- 186FC-------- Mickey
- 18ABC------- Dual Wield Roxas
- 280BC------- Sora (KH1 Costume)
- 3645C------- Christmas Town Sora
Party Members
- 0EC7C-------- Donald
- 0ECDC-------- Goofy
- 0ED3C------- Beast
- 0ED9C------- Jack Skellington
- 0EDFC------- J. Skellington (Christmas Costume)
- 0EE5C------- Simba
- 0EEBC------- Aladdin
- 0EF1C------- Mulan
- 0EF7C------- Ping
- 0EFDC-------- Auron
- 0F03C------- Jack Sparrow
- 2F25C------- Riku
- 3339C------- Riku (Final Battle)
In Progress... -
Plays as Warrior Final
0 02805110 6409090A
0 0284E778 575F4558
0 0284E77C 30333000
0 0280514C 00000505 - infinite jump for all characters
0 02805140 00000000 -
0 0284D840 00000949 <---- this line makes the game crash
0 007753A4 0029
The code is ported as it should.
There's a difference between ps3 and ps2 in this case, this is the error pcsx2 gives with that code:
(EE pc: 0016b580) TLB MISS, addr=0x6 [LOAD]
(EE pc: 0016b594) TLB MISS, addr=08 [LOAD]
but it skips the error, doesn't crash and the game just works
Ps3 gives DATA_HTAB_MISS on the main thread process, I don't know if there's any way to force it skipping the error -
What is making the game crash is this line
0 0284D840 0000056A - Replace Kingdom Key with Genji Shield
the rest works fine, seems like it won't load the shield itself, are you 100% sure the value is 056A?
The offset is right, try other keyblades or normal weapons like the struggle (073B), those work for me, everything is returning to that 056A, Genji Shield I believe, I have no idea what the problem could be, any weapon not related to sora/roxas crashes
Anti-Form in Drive Menu - Check donald's armor and remove ''Antifusion'' (can also save the game, once unlocked the antiform stays)
0 007745EA 001E
Play as Mickey Special Edition - Can use potions, it works, but was supposed to be
dual wield, needs to be fixed
0 027F6A88 0318
0 028186FF 01
0 02818744 0001001C
0 0281874C 0000000A
0 007744C0 0029
0 0284DF92 0769
0 0284ED3F 575F4558
0 0284ED43 3031305F
0 0284ED47 554C5446
0 0284ED4B 5F4C0000
0 0285BB2c 009B005B -
Also, we are using totally different addresses for the model and the moveset, did you check the ram around this?
0 027F6A88 089b <---------- play as Riku (From last battle)
0 02832107 2E
0 02832108 6d736574 ----------- Moveset (adding .mset)
0 0283210c 00000000
0 02832127 05 ----------- Weapon Position(?)
0 0283212f 0002
0 0077554C 00010200 <---------- can use Normal Menu (for potions)
0 00775205 8A <---------- (?)
0 02818ABC 00000013 <---------- Weapon Position (?)
0 0284e778 575f4548
0 0284e77c 30303000 ----------- Model
0 0284e780 00000000
0 0284e784 0000
0 0284d842 077B<---------- Weapon Modifier -
Form in Slot 1 with Normal Menu (Constant write)
0 00775514 YY010203
0 0077550c YY010203
0 0077554C YY010203
0 007754f4 XX
00- Sora/Roxas (Roxas in his part).
01- Donald
02- Goofy
03- World Character
04- Sora Valor/Roxas Two Keyblades (Roxas in his part).
05- Wisdom
06- Limit Form
07- Master
08- Final
09- Antiform
0A- Mickey
12- None
00 = No Form
01 = Valor Form
02 = Wisdom Form
03 = Limit Form
04 = Master Form
05 = Final Form
06 = Anti Form
Play as Anti-Form - No allies / Can perform reaction commands - Can use Drive
0 00775514 09121212
0 0077550c 09121212 ---- Allies can be restored with 09010203 or 09010212
0 0077554C 09121212
0 007754f4 06
Disable Dodge Roll,High Jump and Quick Run to prevent t-stances -
0 027F6A88 089b <---------- play as Riku (From last battle)
0 02832107 2E
0 02832108 6d736574 ----------- Moveset (adding .mset)
0 0283210c 00000000
0 02832127 05 ----------- Weapon Position(?)
0 0283212f 0002
0 0077554C 00010200 <---------- can use Normal Menu (for potions)
0 00775205 8A <---------- (?)
0 02818ABC 00000013 <---------- Weapon Position (?)
0 0284e778 575f4548
0 0284e77c 30303000 ----------- Model
0 0284e780 00000000
0 0284e784 0000
0 0284d842 077B <---------- Weapon Modifier
Play As Riku (FIX) *Made By Aurangzeb56*
11CE0B68 0000089B
01CB8C77 0000002E
21CB8C78 7465736D
21CB8C7C 00000000
01CB8C96 00000005
11CB8C9E 00000002
0032ED64 0000008A
2032F0AC 00020100
01C9F62F 00000013
21CD52A8 48455F57
21CD52AC 00303030
21CD52B0 00000000
21CD52B4 00000000
11CD4390 00000317 ----->Weapon Mod(With Dummies) -
Just ported this without knowledge, was a pain.
Donald Replaced by Riku - Works in every world (except TWTNW) without crashing the game. Has donald voice, still trying to figure out
0 0280ec7c 01000013
0 0280ec80 505f4548
0 0280ec84 3030305f ------ Model
0 0280ec88 4c415354
0 0280eca0 505f4548
0 0280eca4 3030305f
0 0280eca8 4c415354 ------ Moveset
0 0280ecac 2e6d7365
0 0280ecb0 74000000
0 0280ecc4 000d0041 <---- 0d= riku as mod target ---- 0041=Riku from final battle moveset (prevents crashes - causes t-stance for some moves)
0 007745D4 004b <---- Mage's Stuff autoequip
0 0284db63 0311<---- Mage's Stuff replaced by Way to Dawn / Weapon position
0 005C0910 72696b75
0 005C0914 00000000 <---- This one replaces a text string from ''donald'' to ''riku'', I think it was meant to be the voice, but i didn't notice anything, even on the ps2 test.
Donald - Riku Ally
21c957ec 13000001
21c957f0 48455f50
21c957f4 5f303030
21c957f8 5453414c
21c95810 48455f50
21c95814 5f303030
21c95818 5453414c
21c9581c 65736d2e
21c95820 00000074
21c95834 0041000d
1032E134 0000004b
11CD46B0 00000317
2036d8c8 756b6972
2036d8cc 00000000 -
The newbie is back! :D I'll add you guys on the credits and edit the main post with any new codes found. Also, I should be able to work on it for this week, let's see if my neurons are alive.
is there any guide on how to change a specific animation to another?