Recent Content by Kross F

  1. Kross F
    KHII (When I bought a PS2) then KHI and CoM.
    My sisteractually played the whole series backwards (beating II, CoM, and then watch me finish I (She never bothered, having seen the ending when I did it)).

    Post by: Kross F, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Kross F
    True, but KH1:FM had little more than new music, one new boss, new cutscenes, a new secret cut scene, and a few new keyblades.

    FM+ has the whole Re:CoM, Critical Mode in KHII, a new boss, a new, long, ending cutscene, and more new cutscenes during the plot.
    Simply, there was alot more work done for FM+ than FM. If Square-Enix wanted to try and maximize profit for all that effort, they would release it worldwide. Money makes the word go 'round, after all.

    There's a good chance they won't and a decent chance they will release FM+ in English, IMO.

    Post by: Kross F, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Kross F
    plot wise, I hated that fact that most worlds started with someone (Sora, Donald, or Goofy) suggesting that it's either Organization XIII or the Heartless starting trouble.

    Seriously, thanks alot captain obvious.

    Besides that, the plot itself was connected very loosely. Someone kinda needed to say those lines just to make a reason for Sora and co. to check it out.

    The game was too easy

    You can win most fights by mashing the X button

    Alot of the Organization members just show up for one area and then either die there or die the next time you see them.

    The fact that the Organization is not the soul enemy Sora is tracking down kinda bugs me, seeing how his attention (and the plot) is divided.

    Sora seemed to be wandering without a purpose, mainly because you could go to most worlds in any order you want (second visits). He just pops in, asks where Riku/the King are, fights something for no reason other than "I'm the good guy" and then leaves.

    Post by: Kross F, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX