Thank you. I believe he's been doin' this alot. At least, all the posts of his I've seen were less than 3 or 4 words. -Shrugs- But thanks for comin' to the thread and whatnot. XD <3 I appreciiiiiiiiate it!~
The whole world just made me angry, and so, I stopped playing it for like a year. Picked it back up, got through it, and then stopped playing again. I really dont know why, though. Then again, considering I've already beaten KH2, [and playing it again], I dont really NEED to finish KH. [I've seen my friends beat it, and, I already know what happens.] Then again, it'd be nice to finish it. XD
"Lol", what, exactly? I really don't get what theres to 'Lol' about, really. But feel free to let me know. I was just sharing my first AMV, that I'm actually extremely proud of.
Now, this song has alot of cursing in it. XD Just thought I'd warn everyone. [I saw a video today, where someone got offended, so, taking precautions.]
NOTE* This is my first AMV. Used windows movie maker to do it, 5 hours of spare time, alot of redoing it and wa la!
Whoa! I've love to see the final product of this! I tried to make an AMV today with that song, and failed miserably. So, I went with "Given Up", instead. But I really can't wait to see the rest. The song is amazing.
Hahaha! I've had similar conversations. And none of the people I've had them with had really cared. Except my mom. But she lacked enthusiasm about it. XD
Well. I'm not a big fan of YaoiSlash, but, when I went into my anime store [Tates], I saw Axel & Roxas plushies. I freaked out, ran like a madwoman towards the rack, grabbed them, and ran around the store screaming that I was going to do a Yaoi photoshoot with them.
... And I did. Added dialogue, and WA LA! Plushie comic!
Hey there, everyone! I'm Krea, [Well, my KH OC is Krea, but.. >.>; /shot ] I'm new around here. Wanted to make some killer cool KH friends. <3 Plus, I've been looking for a decent KH Community, and WHAM! Here I am! XD; Whoa, that rhymed. Anyway, I'm a pixel artist [not a very good one.] And I wanted to get into AMV making. But anyway, I'm here! XD
[Don't worry, if you talk to me long enough, you'll get used to my senseless rambling, really bad puns, and hyperactive/a-d-d like attention span.] xD;