Recent Content by krawky398

  1. krawky398
    Yup, it's USA. And yes, I use the component cables, Yellow, White, Red, though.
    Post by: krawky398, Apr 23, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. krawky398
    There is a slight input lag, I've noticed, but it's nothing incredibly like when I tried to play Xbox on an HDTV (Playing Psychonauts like that = not fun). PAL I can also notice is a bit slower than what I'm used to, but then again, I haven't even left Twilight Town yet, so I can't try and see if I notice it in battle. I've always had a tendency to dwell on smaller problems, so yeah.

    Yup, USA version, I believe.
    Post by: krawky398, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. krawky398
    Can't, as it's the video mode. Has to either be NTSC(which is US and Japan) or PAL(Europe). The Swap Magic defaults it to PAL, though, which is strange, since my other Japanese games are defaulted to NTSC.
    Post by: krawky398, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  4. krawky398
    Yeah, I know it wasn't a problem with the capture card or anything, but if I used Media Play Classic to display my capture card, I end up having to stretch the screen upwards for the whole picture, aha.

    Also, it's not related to the topic at hand, but maybe your resolution was too high? Don't mean to derail my own thread by saying something regarding it, but just saying.

    Right, I looked around those threads. I'm out of blank DVDs at the moment, but the Y-Offset fix sounds like something to try when I get some. The last thread partially makes me think that it's my Swap Magic, since the OP specifically mentions that he uses a Swap Magic 3.8, like mine. The first one dispels most of the beliefs, though. The prospect in the first thread about using a code to change the Y-offset is also an idea, but sounds troublesome.

    Regardless, there's not much I can do right now with those problems. I'll have to grab some blank DVDs when I get the chance to see if the Y-Offset works. But for now, I'll just get used to the somewhat lower speed from PAL being as it is. It won't be too big a problem, I hope.

    The information from the threads will be something to keep on the mind, as the solution is likely in that first thread.
    So, thank you very much for the assistance! I'll have to make it a point to lurk around here in the future, as well.
    Post by: krawky398, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  5. krawky398
    US, and it'll do that on both the TV or the TV Viewer. The only difference between those is that I'm able to use the PAL setting with the TV Viewer, which is what I used for the bottom picture.
    Post by: krawky398, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  6. krawky398
    As noted in the title, I'm having some problems playing Final Mix+ using my my Swap Magic disc. When I try to play it on NSTC mode(which default picks, I believe, I never picked it while testing this), the display ends up cut off by the bottom of the screen, like this: (both images spoilered due to height)
    As opposed to this:
    (I'm using the English patch of it, also. I've tried the original version too, same problem.)

    This is usually fixed if I play in PAL mode, but I cannot do so on my TV due to my TV not working with PAL and if I use my capture card to view my TV using my laptop, the game runs a bit slower, as PAL usually does. Certainly, I can learn to adjust to it, but it bugs me. So I figured I'd at least ask if anyone knows how to fix the NTSC problem before I give up on it.

    Many thanks!
    Thread by: krawky398, Apr 20, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help