Recent Content by kowae7

  1. kowae7
    Nobody liked the first half of the book it was boring.

    Sucks that Tom got shot 17 times. Wasn't one enough?
    Post by: kowae7, Apr 15, 2008 in forum: Literature
  2. kowae7
    I like Madtv more, Bobby Lee is incredibly funny.

    SNL is pretty funny but some of their skits are too inappropriate for me, an example would be Justin Timberlake's D*ck in a Box.
    Post by: kowae7, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. kowae7

    Weird Facts

    Just post the weirdest fact(s) that you know or can think of at this moment.

    Polar bears are left handed.
    Thread by: kowae7, Apr 12, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. kowae7
    I think that the parents should pay for some of the college tuition, but you should be helping out as much as you can.
    Post by: kowae7, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. kowae7
    I agree that Barack Obama should win the election, but chances are McCain is going to win.
    Post by: kowae7, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  6. kowae7
    My favorite part of the movie was when Henry fell down to his death, because he deserved it!!!

    Thus the movie ended.
    Post by: kowae7, Apr 7, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. kowae7
    If they were to fight each other Superman would most likely win, because of his powers flight, super speed, X-ray vision, heat vision, and super strength.

    I'd want Spiderman to win because he's my favorite hero of all time, but I don't see that happening.

    So, I vote for Superman.
    Post by: kowae7, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. kowae7
    Theoretically nearly anything's possible in this universe.

    For life to exist on a planet, the planet has to be in the Goldilocks Zone where the average suface temperature of the planet isn't too high or too low. Then it needs to have a magnetosphere to protect itself from the radioactive particles bombarding it from the star. An atmosphere for the organisms to breath oxygen. But most importantly, a source of water.

    There have been more than 250 exoplanets that have been found and none of them support life, most of them are larger than Jupiter and they're either a gas giant or a brown dwarf.

    Using the Drake's Equation the possibility of having another form of life in this galaxy is extremely low and finding them and contacting is even lower.

    I'd like to believe that life exist elsewhere because it's hard to believe that we are alone in this universe.
    Post by: kowae7, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  9. kowae7
    A person who belongs to two races or more.

    We were taught to be polite? I talk when I'm talked to.
    Post by: kowae7, Mar 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. kowae7
    Give me atleast five reasons/ways that Asians are special.
    Post by: kowae7, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. kowae7
    West Side Story isn't that the modern version of Romeo and Juliet?

    I remember that because I watched it in a music class.
    Post by: kowae7, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. kowae7
    Could you refer to them by their correct terms because the term Asian is everybody on the continent of Asia.

    All Japanese people are Asian but not all Asians are Japanese.
    Post by: kowae7, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. kowae7
    Be proud of who you are. Don't be ashamed.

    Plus there's nothing really special in being Asian.
    Post by: kowae7, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. kowae7
    Explain that in more detail.
    Post by: kowae7, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone