Recent Content by Korin

  1. Korin
    Wow! I can't believe I didn't notice that. I swear I thought mine was the most up to date when I got it ._.

    Tried it out, and it works like a charm! You rock!

    Thank you so much!
    Post by: Korin, Oct 16, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. Korin
    Well, its not fully translated so all I get is a funny number. And I can't really tell you what it really says because its in Japanese.

    Its like when you try to fight Zexon when you first see his silhouette. You can see it, interact with it, but you can't fight him quite yet.
    Post by: Korin, Oct 16, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. Korin
    FWY I just beat the game

    I have been having this problem to no avail, and I can't find the answer. So what better place to ask than you guys? :D

    I got my hands on a copy of KH2FM, and I am having a blast with it. I've played through it once before, and everything was fine.

    So here is the predicament. I saved all the absent silhouettes till the end of the game. I have beaten the final boss, got the KH2 secret ending, and unlocked the Terra battle. I have also beaten Sepheroth as well as all of the absent silhouettes except Larxine. Whenever I try and face her, I get the rejection text.

    On a rampage, I have gotten nearly every chest and puzzle piece in all the worlds (save the mine in Radiant Garden to get to the data battles.) I have not done any mushrooms yet.

    I have checked all over the internet, but all I find is "Fight Larxine in Port Royal: Isla de Muerta: Rock Face. It will open up at a certain part of the story."

    I am running out of story to play. ;_;
    Also, if it means anything, I am using the translation patch by xeeynamo. I am playing it on a burnt disk using my PS2. That way I can have the translation.

    I am totally lost. Does anyone have any insight?
    Thread by: Korin, Oct 16, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help