Recent Content by KityKatKairi

  1. KityKatKairi

    I made that video a week ago or so, but anyways it's my newest and actually it was pretty easy even though I wasn't able to get part of what I wanted...but anyways I hope you peoples like it.
    Thread by: KityKatKairi, Oct 22, 2006, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. KityKatKairi
    Yeah, I think they should have it in English too, because I'm the obsessed one here and I feel incomplete if I can't play a Kingdom Hearts game and feel extremely left out if I don't understand what their saying T.T (that's one of the two reasons I HAVE to learn Japanese =^.^= XD)
    Post by: KityKatKairi, Oct 22, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX