Recent Content by Kittcat1411

  1. Kittcat1411
    Well I already have 2 videos on youtube just look up my name (it's the same on this)
    Post by: Kittcat1411, Apr 1, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  2. Kittcat1411
    Okay thanks
    Post by: Kittcat1411, Mar 25, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  3. Kittcat1411
    Hi Im new and was wondering if anyone knew a good song for a Kingdom hearts music video I already have 2 videos on youtube using Kingdom Hearts. A music and parody.
    But I need new songs. My friends has asked me to do a The Black parade and Nine in the afternoon ones
    But I can get one song and the other song is about done but I want to do more so any songs for me ?
    The poll is a few songs that I thought that might be good
    Thread by: Kittcat1411, Mar 25, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Production Studio