Recent Content by kinonitsu

  1. kinonitsu
    I play it, but I don't enjoy it, and here's the URL Can someone please play this game with me so I can better enjoy it? My username is Kinonitsu, (obviously) and I'm a Racoon.
    Thread by: kinonitsu, Nov 9, 2006, 18 replies, in forum: Gaming
  2. kinonitsu

    PC Nostale

    This game is good and it rocks, here's the URL and I am Kinonitsu on it. Yeah I know I use Kinonitsu for every MMORPG I play... Except Runescpae where I go as Realitydemon... Sooooo anyone play Nostale?
    Thread by: kinonitsu, Nov 9, 2006, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  3. kinonitsu
    I can't play it, because the game's stuff comes up corrupted for me... so I play Dragon GEM (one of my most worst mistakes...EVER!). Is Maple Story any good? I am depressed by Dragon GEM.
    Post by: kinonitsu, Nov 9, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  4. kinonitsu
    The graphics rock the gameplay rocks and if I could I would play it ( I can't because I can't get on the site for some reason).
    Post by: kinonitsu, Nov 9, 2006 in forum: Gaming