Recent Content by KingofCastle

  1. KingofCastle
    dude shutup about the not liking Linkin Park AMVs thing. Just cause they're better than what you like don't mean ya gotta hate. Deathspank never left stupid complaints that I remember.
    Post by: KingofCastle, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  2. KingofCastle
    I kinda hafta agree with Darkandroid on #3. Kayne West is little kid stuff. U should liseten to some real music or at least some real rap- at least where I live, they make fun of you if you like Kayne West. Other than that I think the videos are all pretty good. Guess I'll have to keep tryin to get mine up there.
    Post by: KingofCastle, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. KingofCastle
    I think like Sai'ix said the reason they retained their human form is because they remembered what it was like. Remember, only the strong willed people turn into a nobody, not everybody.
    Post by: KingofCastle, Aug 17, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts