i was reading about kakashi gaiden(manga filler arc, shonen jump)just after i watched shippuuden 31 or 32, and something struck me as odd. Tobi reminds me of obito uchiha. if you think about it, the same eye tobi has covered is the same eye obito gave away to kakashi before he was crushed by rocks. So, the same intact eye on obito, is the visible eye on tobi. and, look:
if you put the "t" in tobi at the back of obi and add an o, you have obito!
obit + o = obito!!
in essence, what i'm trying to say is tobi is obito uchiha!!
Whoa.....what a coincidence. Thats just weird. But what luck!! Just as I got my new Onyx DS Lite, this pops up a little while later!!! WOW!!!!! I have such good luck!! I wonder who the female is...I cant wait to see!!!!Ultimate SQUEE time!
i'm serious. two years ago a little over, i had seen this game called kingdom hearts.i was and still am a total disney fanatic, and their was disney worlds in it. so i was obviously like SWEET!!i was totally ignoring the real storyline what with sora and all. but then it faded away. heres where chicken little comes in, i was obsessed with chicken little AT THE TIME (am not anymore,repeat am not!)and then I was watching TV and this random ad comes on and i'm like ???? until i see chicken little and the end of the ad.I was like, "oh i remember kh!!they put chicken little in it?cool!!"so then with my fangirl instincts i dug deeper and did a lot of research. thats when this whole fanatic started.
well, this story continues after the original or the first kingdom hearts. while sora donald and goofy are traveling they come to a crossroads (fourway road). then he meets up with a weird cloaked guy (marluxia)who says:
"ahead lies something you need.but to claim it you must lose something dear." so then their is only one road left and he has dissapeared. they come to a castle where the same guysays: welcome to castle oblivion where to find is to lose and to lose is to find." so then they go searching in the castle for riku and the king and as they do, they slowly start to lose their memories. this memory loss is connected to a girl they find named Nanime.she then rebels against the organisation who she had worked for to help sora get his memories back. little did sora know, that the people who he's been searching for all this time were in another part of the castle....