Recent Content by kingdom_hearts_soras_girl

  1. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
  2. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    Profile Post

    Don't get cook...

    Don't get cook...
    Status Update by kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, Jan 30, 2018
  3. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    Profile Post


    Status Update by kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, Jan 30, 2018
  4. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    I cried like a baby in the theater on Friday when I saw it. I've also been crying off and on ever since then for some reason. I guess it's because it's the end of an era and the end of my childhood...
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, Jul 17, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    Don't remind me about it. I've been crying off and on ever since I saw it on Friday...

    My childhood is gone forever...
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, Jul 17, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  6. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    PEOPLE!!!!! oh how i have missed you guys. just thought i'd tell you all that...
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, May 9, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  7. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    yo. go. here. now.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, Mar 23, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  8. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    on a science test last year about the moon...

    Who was the first person on the moon?
    A. Neil Armstrong
    B. Buzz Aldrin
    C. Buzz Lightyear
    D. Coach Hieden (a teacher at my old school)

    (answers not in correct order)

    i chose A cuz i'm smart :lolface:
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, Mar 16, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    m&m's! u no get some! :lolface:
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, Mar 16, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  10. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    You're in.

    Your second OC is in.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, Mar 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    my username was too long. so was the shorter version...

    First Name- Hymen
    first name- grave

    Middle Name- Pleasure (no matter how I typed it, that always came up...)

    Last Name- Danger
    last name- meager (all lower case and all CAPS...)

    Nickname- lard
    nickname- lard (again...)
    NICKNAME- RISK (:lolface:)
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, Mar 2, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    [Justin Bieber (so I heard from tumblr) and Ke$ha! Justin Bieber turned 17 (if tumblr was correct about his birthday) and Ke$ha turned 24.]

    go on... GUESS!!!! :lolface: c:

    [and Lady Gaga's birthday is March 28th! Mama Monster's turning 25.]
    Thread by: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, Mar 2, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    I think a Culinary Arts major would be a Culinary degree (if I'm thinking correctly). But I plan on going to a Performing Arts school for college and major in acting and minor in music (singing). And after I graduate from Performing Arts school, I want to go to a two year Culinary school so that I can be a dessert chef (I used to want to be a pastry chef and then i wanted to be a baker but being a dessert chef would allow me to do all of that). So taking two maths and sciences in one year and then going to the off-campus place (it's owned by the school district and another high school (my school's rivial) also uses it and we all work together to achieve a common goal) would help me a lot in the Culinary Arts program stuff. And I suck at cooking (yet good at baking...) so the off-campus place (let's call it by it's correct name now, the Satellite Center) would help me with that since the facilitator (that's what the teachers there are called. The students are called team members) was a real chef in a restaurant as a pastry chef.

    There's a video on their website ( that was made by the A/V dept. and has everyone who goes there in it. But I can't embed the video because i think that it's in HTML... So just go on there website and scroll down to the bottom to a part the says Satellite Center Media and the video is right there. It's amazing in my opinion.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, Mar 2, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  14. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    [X] "Does it matter?"

    because i think it doesn't...

    [a straight person for LGBT rights]
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl, Mar 2, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone