all of them
nice video
i go with sony
what the heck do you mean?
country is the best for me & rock&roll, but mostly country
i dont know maybe red maybe blue i just dont know
Crisis Core, Dirge Of Cerberus, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy X, & Final Fantasy X-2 Are the best for me
its nice and great
sanctuary is the better one
i would like more everything except cutscenes. some of the cutscenes are like kind of boring, and some are stupid, plus some are just ******ed.
i picked roxas
i have no idea who to pick so i'm just going to pick one! and to XcatisX i expierience the pain on the DO NOT CLICK THIS!!!!! button. :_(:nono: :cryinganime: :dead: :xp: :(
hardest language is japanese duh.