Recent Content by kingdofox9

  1. kingdofox9
  2. kingdofox9
  3. kingdofox9
  4. kingdofox9
  5. kingdofox9
  6. kingdofox9
    It looks good but isn't it suppose to be squarenix that does it?

    (edit) oh shoot didn't read the whole post sorry ^_^;
    Post by: kingdofox9, May 24, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. kingdofox9
    well during the time when this website was I think v1 where it looked odd and I was affected thanks to my friend who I at a sleepover and played the game and was so good and searched at my house kingdom hearts vids and here I was and look at all the vids and downloaded them and watch boss scenes and scenes and once I looked at the forum and looked interesting and I forgot my password though and made a new one and here I am today.
    Post by: kingdofox9, May 20, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  8. kingdofox9
    um I only remember the bell tower in twilight town (area is train station) where you look at the tower you notice two round ears but theres no other circle but Its close enough as it is.
    Post by: kingdofox9, May 20, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. kingdofox9
  10. kingdofox9
    High five in the face I suppose thats an insult...:confused: and if I remember theres 260 floors in tartarus and I'm been playing the answer and got lazy doing it all
    passed the journey and persona 4....I know for a fact theres Innuendo in that tender moment or there..... um nevermind....

    "edit" Um I got the normal ending in persona 4 which is fight ameno-sagiri (so tough)
    Post by: kingdofox9, May 20, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  11. kingdofox9
    I have both of them and and love them so much my favorites characters was..
    chihiro- god she was cute and her shyness to boot :3
    fuuka- she was okay and all but how she made new earphones made me intrested in her
    chidori- gothic lolita and sad how she... um never mind
    mitsuru- come on I shall assume she was a tsundere
    maiko- a loli :3 she was so cute and how it ended with the social link :3
    yuko- man how she can help kids and cute as well :3

    I have lots of favorites don't I and apparently no life XD

    Um in persona 4 favorites are
    yukiko- she was my first favorite and god I swear to god when I first saw her in a swim suit I had a nosebleed (no joke)
    rise- she was so cute and also um.... never mind
    Ayane- reminded me of more lolis :3 god was this game made for me...
    sayoko- she reminds me of those women in hentai as first then it got more serious and liked it.
    chihiro- when I saw her once more in the field trip I grinned :3
    Nanako- hmmm little sister and loli... it fits :D how it ended was so cute.

    I find it interesting how when you end a social link with a girl and how it says... "you had a tender moment with....." do I hear innuendo there XD

    and oh yeah welcome to kh-vids :D
    Post by: kingdofox9, May 19, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  12. kingdofox9
    "sigh" another one.. is that really necessary I mean the first one okay but it has no story and the gameplay bored me just like sonic chronicle: the dark brotherhood gameplay well I could tell i'll be another miss by sonic team -_-
    Post by: kingdofox9, Apr 12, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  13. kingdofox9
    based on the pictures on the link i'm guessing they're in the beta phase.
    Post by: kingdofox9, Apr 10, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  14. kingdofox9
    that just suprised me but i guess i won't dislike miley cyrus as much but I still dislike her.
    Post by: kingdofox9, Apr 8, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  15. kingdofox9
    wow.... :huh: this is a really bad review almost like ign giving a sonic game 3.5 or something but god such a bad review "facepalm"
    Post by: kingdofox9, Apr 5, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX