Recent Content by KingDemyx

  1. KingDemyx
  2. KingDemyx
  3. KingDemyx
    Hi! Name's Jamyson, or KingDemyx(everyone's welcome to call me either or).

    I am:
    19 years old
    a gay cis male
    a Gamestop employee
    an ambivert
    an Aries
    a type one diabetic

    made a profile YEARS ago but came back after looking up the podcast
    is working to complete his Playstation system collection
    has some love for Nintendo systems
    played clarinet, tenor(rarely alto/baritone) sax, and bassoon in band
    writes band music/arranges songs for band
    rambles when excited about something

    my favorite () is:
    (color) purple
    (music genre) indie pop/current classical
    (band) Walk the Moon, Kopecky, FoB
    (TV Show) Rupauls Drag Race/ Steven Universe
    (Anime) Soul Eater
    (movie) Back to the Future/Howls Moving Castle
    (book genre) Fantasy Fiction
    (game genre) rpg/jrpg
    (game) KH2/FFX
    (Organization Member) Demyx
    (youtuber) Cryaotic/ Game Grumps
    (meme) Sküle

    and I spend most of my time:
    Writing music
    Playing FFXIV(on the Jenova World)
    Watching youtube
    on Tumblr

    Really excited to make some friends on here!
    Thread by: KingDemyx, Aug 27, 2015, 2 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures