Recent Content by kimikali

  1. kimikali
    i like them because they have awesome coats and act so...brotherly to eachother. it's just xemnas that has a problem!i especially like ddemyx, roxas and axel.
    Post by: kimikali, Jun 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. kimikali
    how to defeat oogie boogie!

    if you card break him 3 times, the gate breaks.he mostly uses the 7 card, so quickly use combos if you can. you go up and attack!after a little while of getting hit, he kicks you off. then you start over. but attack in combos, because after a while, you lose your cards. it's more of a patient game. when you get down to 3 cards, use them in a combo! or you'll lose 1 or 2 of them and you'll be screwed. i just beat him this morning and i'm editing my advice. good luck!:) :D and have fun! it's a little more complicated than these other people are saying, but if you've played kingdom hearts at all, you know it pretty well,like me. i'm used to these complications but know how tough it can be on others.;) :D
    Post by: kimikali, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX