Recent Content by kimahri8285

  1. kimahri8285
    god he was a ******* on begginer mode, it took a long ass time to defeat him, on standard it took me like 5 tries but on proud i just swept right through him,experience mate.
    Post by: kimahri8285, Apr 22, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. kimahri8285
    i'd say they're equal in diffculty but each had there differencess to make it much harder, in kh youre inclosed in a small area in wich sephiroth can attack you with ease and some of his attacks take up the whole damn feild, in kh2 you have a whole open area in wich you can escape to the other side of the feild, but again, he has attacks that take up the whole feild but his attacks take up most your health(if not all if you dont have second chance and once more) and he has tons of one hit kill attacks, safer mode which his attacks are doubled in power and sin heartless angel, wich is almost unavoidable, but with kh2 sephiroth if you've at least level'd up all your forms to atleast lvl3 and youre over level 65 he's a breez
    Post by: kimahri8285, Apr 21, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts