Recent Content by killerking93

  1. killerking93
    thanks...sorry but I did not know whether the code of the "room mod" is an action replay, cb or Gs

    and..riku Riku that sostutisce donald or goofy to defeat Terra

    uff...the codes do not work .. have you a guide on how to start cheat on the pcsx2? (emulatore)
    Post by: killerking93, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. killerking93
    what are the codes to change the group of Terra and Sephiroth?
    (please indicate whether there are action replay, codebreak or gameshark)
    and i don't understand this
    thats a raw code and it would work in an emulator AND codebreaker ^^ though u dont have to use the joker in EMU
    ^^" since it wont work anyway :P and about the terra one you can use the character mod to replace Donald and Goofy with terra and sephiroth ^^
    Post by: killerking93, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  3. killerking93
    last last thing..the code of sephirot and terra for modified group

    enough to copy the code in the emulator or else to activate the mod room and replace donald and goofy for Sephiroth and Tera
    Post by: killerking93, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  4. killerking93
    please, but this code is Action replay, codebreaker or Gameshark?

    and finally the code for fight vs Terra in that room? (and fight vs Sephirot ecc)
    Post by: killerking93, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  5. killerking93
    i don't understand the cheat of use for "room mod" please you could me paste the code?
    Post by: killerking93, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  6. killerking93
    cheat vs terra

    what is the cheat to defeat Terra, and how you go to that place to make Sora & Riku vs Terra?

    and the cheat is Action Replay, Codebreaker or Gameshark?
    I use the emulator pcsx2 and I have codes to RAW is why I need to know

    (i don't speak english, write to translater, sorry for my horrible english :D )
    Post by: killerking93, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Code Vault