Recent Content by KikoHana_chan

  1. KikoHana_chan
    Name: Pixinp (lol, thats hard to pronounce!)
    Title: Sharp Wind (bet you can figure out whats next...)
    Element: WIND! (For all who guessed, YOU GOTS A COOKIE!)
    Weapon: Twin Katanas (katanas are now my favorit sword!)

    Wow, this is fun!
    Post by: KikoHana_chan, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. KikoHana_chan
    Well, thats an interesting topic! Well there could be many things that come after death. I belive in a heaven and hell but there are other things too.

    I am just afraid that after death its just iternal darkness. Completely lonely, no one there, just nothing...thats a fate worse then death...

    Perhaps the best thing would be to be renued into a new life. Mabey there are entirely different worlds with different laws and such that we would be born into! Or to go to a place where all your friends and family are. There seriously are a lot of things that could happen.

    I dont know about you guys, but im just gonna live out my life to the fullest now and find out about death later...much later if it can be helped.
    Post by: KikoHana_chan, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Discussion