Name: Pixinp (lol, thats hard to pronounce!)
Title: Sharp Wind (bet you can figure out whats next...)
Element: WIND! (For all who guessed, YOU GOTS A COOKIE!)
Weapon: Twin Katanas (katanas are now my favorit sword!)
Well, thats an interesting topic! Well there could be many things that come after death. I belive in a heaven and hell but there are other things too.
I am just afraid that after death its just iternal darkness. Completely lonely, no one there, just nothing...thats a fate worse then death...
Perhaps the best thing would be to be renued into a new life. Mabey there are entirely different worlds with different laws and such that we would be born into! Or to go to a place where all your friends and family are. There seriously are a lot of things that could happen.
I dont know about you guys, but im just gonna live out my life to the fullest now and find out about death later...much later if it can be helped.