Recent Content by KielanBeaSee

  1. KielanBeaSee
    I don't care about what system it comes out on, I JUST WANT TO KNOW IF IT IS A REAL THING!
    Post by: KielanBeaSee, Sep 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. KielanBeaSee
    Im confused. Where is everyone getting there information? Who says what?

    Sorry, but Im still not 100% convinced there will be a third one, though my hopes are high. I believe it, but it has just been too long, and the ending is good where it is. The original ending anyways. Please fill me in.
    Post by: KielanBeaSee, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. KielanBeaSee
    I don't remember anything about numbers.

    The keyblades I use most, however, were the onle from lion king and piarets.
    Post by: KielanBeaSee, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. KielanBeaSee
    I know that the home town for Sora and Roxes, I would like to see those again. And Pirats. There is so much more that can be done with it. Fighting the Cracken, going to the land of the dead.

    I know I would like to see Kim Possible. A bugs life would be cool too. I can just see how they would use the nobodies and heartless. Zelda is nintendo, but still. A space level, where the gummie ship is acctualy used, but you can get out of it too.

    Or worlds together, like ToyStory and a bugs life. Corpse Bride and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Mario and Sonic. Whinne the Phoo and Little Enstine.

    More Namina, Kiary, Micky, Rikku.

    More problems at each world, so you dont just go to them once or twice, then foget about them. Like, have new things to restor after you have seen the final location, then go back, and when peace is restored again to those planets, then go back to the final location, to beat the game.

    The vidios and storylines have always been sweet, so I will be exited to see what they will come up with. But I would like to see somthing dreadfull, like one of the loved charectors die. For real. Like, forever.
    Post by: KielanBeaSee, Jun 28, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX