Recent Content by Kiba-Gal

  1. Kiba-Gal
    Hehehehe stalkers!!!Kukukuku!
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Feb 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Kiba-Gal
    OOC:Mine too...Sigh!

    Bic:Sam looked back behind a tree sitting bye it,as Moki sat in her lap
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Jan 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Kiba-Gal
    I love pirates lol
    apperence:[​IMG]personalityShe's smart,nice,weird,crazy,and she loves to steal,get drunk and kill
    parents:I'ama put barbosa for now no one knows her mother though lol
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Jan 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Kiba-Gal
    OTC:Sry I never came on busy sry people well I"am here and starting in hidden leaf village!

    Bic:Sam was in her house lying around being lazy she sighed bigly with no hope of fun"Where did the fun go Terry"She asked Terry as her right leg hung off the couch as the left was on the couches arm and her right arm hanging off swinging.

    Terra shrugged as she laid on Sam's stomach she was bored as well as she had nothing to do but lay around with Sam cause she would always follow Sam and protect her.
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Kiba-Gal
    ooc:And My charis Tory and Terry are at work in a computer tech place downtown.

    Bic:Tory smiled"Yep...Lets go!"Tory said smiling as she got her bag and got up turning off her computer getting up walking over to Terry's desk.Terry's desk had papers on it papers on the wall,Blue prints of game and it was all messy.

    Terry got up turning her computer off too grabbing her bag"10 more Games to go then all my Ideas will be finished heheheheeh"She chuckled as she walked to Tory.Terry had her bag too around her body like a detective kit from gaia.

    The 2 girl's walked out the building into a burger king in it was the song "Ding fries are done"the girl's laughed at the song and got in line to order,but then Terry's spirit was able to be seen to Spirit tamers so tamers would know she was a Tamer too.
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Kiba-Gal
    Tory sat in her seat with 2 walls on her side and on the other sided of the wall's where other people on there deskes.Tory sighed she was making a new game for online computer"Ok now lets make them cloths"She said as she typed faster trying to not mess up.Then she finally was done with cloth's but she added animal like ears.

    Terry's desk was next to Torys on her left"Tory you still working on that game??"she said over the wall smiling at Tory as she sat in her chair boredly.Terry looked at her papers waiting for Tory's ansew,Tory had been working on that game for awhile now and wanted to help so they could go get lunch.

    ooc:Wait change the fox thing that is in spirit and let her have 2 spirits Humans

    Spirit's appearence:Fox regalaur orange/red
    Spirit's powers:Nature,fire,water
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Kiba-Gal

    Played by:Kiba's-Gal
    Job:Computer Tech/Game maker/Artist.
    History:She lived with her dad in a mansion but then she moved to a simple life,she doesn't tell anyone her father is rich but some people know she is the duaghter of a rich man.
    Appearence:She wears a black sweater long sleeve,emo rectangle glasses,eyes blue,hair red long in a pony tail,blue jeans,black colored nails,moon earings and she her shoes are black tennies
    Other:she has a little dog Dorothy


    Played By:Kiba's-Girl
    Job:.....A computer tech like Tory
    History:She was in the wild until her appearance become more humanly she found she could live like a human,so she stole some cloths from a human who was bathing in a lake but them on and now lives humanly in a little house.
    Appearence:She has a blue shirt short sleeved,regalar jeans,her eye color is red,she has long blonde hair with natural highlights,she has sun earing's and has white tennies
    Appearence when combied with spirit:A wolve,she can form human form with wolve form to make her with fur a tail paws she looks like a wear wolve but a girl and she doesn't kill in that form,and if she gets realy powerfully in wolve form she turns fox

    Spirit's appearence:She uses a animal form dog but she has a human forme wich is in all red cloths red jeans and shirt and short blue hair.
    Spirit's powers:She use Telekenises,earth,fire

    Wolve and Fox always mine!!!!
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Kiba-Gal
    Age:Same as Kiba
    Ninja Rank:Chunin
    Weapon:She uses her dog attacks and a big sword
    Vilage:Sand and Leaf
    Appearance:Looks like Kiba but with brown jacket
    Bio:She was looking for a place to stay when she met Kib he offerd her to stay and she started to like him but is to shy to admit ,Her dog Terra likes Akamaru but won't admit until Akamaru admits he likes her too,She is same age as akamaru

    Ninja Rank:From kh world
    Weapon:She now owns Sephiroths sword
    Vilage:Destiny iskands
    Appearance:She has long black,brownish hair,She wears a big hoody like org 13 but under it is blue pants and shirt!
    Bio:She moved to Destiny islands and made freinds with Sora an the others
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Jan 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Kiba-Gal
    Age:Same as Kiba
    Bio:She was looking for a new home with her dog Terry or Terra when she found Kiba he let her stay with her and she grown on a crush on him but is shy to tell,Her dog Terry loves Akamaru but won't admit untill Akamaru admits he loves her wich he does...I hope?
    Appearance:LLooks like Kiba but with bRown jacket,Terra is like AKamru but golden fur

    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Jan 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Kiba-Gal
    Name: Sam
    Gender: Female
    Age: Same as Kiba
    Village: Sand village and her dad was Leaf village (Leaf too)(Sand)
    Bio: She was searchi8ng for a new home to stay her family died but her mom and dad and found Kiba he ket her live at his house and she started to like him and her dog Terry started to like Akamaru but won't admit it until AKamaru admits he likes her!,She lookes like Kiba but brown jacket and her pat's are baggier

    Name: Terra or Terry Divinci
    Gender: Female (Dog)
    Age: Same as Akamaru
    Village: Leaf village where Naruto lives(Leaf)
    Bio: She lived in the Leaf village but moved an joined the elite in the sand village but soon got tranied by Sam they been freinnd since Terry was little puppy,her and Sam stayed at Kiba and Terra learned she liked Akamaru but won't admit it until AKamaru does first,she knows that Akamaru might like her,She looks like him but with golden fur.

    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Jan 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Kiba-Gal
    Name -Sam
    Gender -Female
    Age -Same as Kiba
    Appearance -She looks like Kiba but her jacket is brown and her pants are baggyer
    Bio -She was 13 when she met kiba she needed a place to stay with her dog Terra so Kiba lety her stay with him while his sister was out on a big mission,Sam learned to like Kiba and Terra learned to Like Akamaru but Terra won't admit she loves Akamaru until he admits it's first,and sam is a bit shy to tell Kiba!
    Other -She has a dog Terra or Terry Terra likes Akamaru but won't admit it until Akamaru does first

    I need a Kiba please lol?
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Jan 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Kiba-Gal


    Because it's so boyish and I"am a girl tomboy and I always wanted that name!I like boy names allot lol!
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Dec 29, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. Kiba-Gal
    Ok I did that in ch.2 to 3 but they have a bit of Smex in them so I don't think I should post them but if you pm I'll sned you link to my diant lol
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Dec 29, 2007 in forum: Archives
  14. Kiba-Gal


    Thanks Ya'll
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Dec 29, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. Kiba-Gal
    The stupid grammar said it's ok now but I guess it's not
    Post by: Kiba-Gal, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Archives