Recent Content by KHxXxAddict

  1. KHxXxAddict
    *stares in amazement*

    KEEP 'EM COMING!!! this is awesome!!! though Axel isn't my favorite member, I still enjoy this a lot.
    Post by: KHxXxAddict, Apr 4, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. KHxXxAddict
    you're stuck on WONDERLAND?!?
    sorry, I just can't wrap my mind around such a ridiculous concept. no offense or anything, I had some trouble there too. You go to the upside-down room and light the lamps on the tables, then go back to the Bizarre Room. Talk to the Cheshire Cat when you're ready for the boss fight.
    Post by: KHxXxAddict, Mar 29, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help