Recent Content by kholdstare90

  1. kholdstare90

    And Kairi can fight :D

    She even has drive forms. The movie starts out as FF vs DOA but it goes more to Squeenix vs whoever made DOA and Ninja Gaiden.

    It's under this category because I couldn't find a more public place that I wouldn't get modded for.
    Thread by: kholdstare90, Mar 24, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. kholdstare90
    I honestly don't see what the big deal with gay marriage is. I am gay myself and am opposed to gay marriage simply because it is a union between a man and a woman with a big fat prenup in the middle. Leave it to them and the hefty divorce costs.

    I know 5 couples that were divorced in the first year because they rushed into it and 2 couples that aren't even going to bother getting the certificate but still live together. The lesbian couple that fall under the second category have been together for going on 20 years.

    On a darker note I used to have 2 gay friends. One an ex-boyfriend and one a lesbian friend of mine. Mark (ex) was murdered because he dared to hold hands in the city with another guy and the other one ended up wrapped around a telephone pole going 90ks because her parents kicked her out of their house.

    You get used to hearing this may be the family house but you're not welcome here, i see that look in your eye so don't even think about it. You're not even in the will (actually used against me twice) and my favourite one is "ask the ****** sitting on my couch" as said by my mum to my boyfriend (the one now dead) when he asked where the cups were kept.

    Also yes i know i can't spell.

    EDIT: Broken_Vow: It can be overwealmingly awful to the point you scream "where is the (expletive) gun?" if you cannot handle the taunts and jeers. However some people who are strong enough to stand it just ignore what people outside their friend group say.

    I fall under the stronger group however i'm now a total biatch, extremly cynical, I hate god and all those whom identify as christian, and I seem to have transferred insecurities from my sexuality to my weight so i can go from happy to major PMS and back within 5 minutes due to my anorexia inducing diet.

    Also if you are gay the opposite sex become your best friend. They can make you seem straight when needed and just be there without anything sexual ever being expected. And coming out in 99% of highschools turn you instantly into the "joke of the year" and from them on use you as a reference for testing "is he or isn't he" seemingly draining all life force you have. After a while you get used to the feeling, then you fit perfectly into the modern workforce.
    Post by: kholdstare90, Mar 9, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  3. kholdstare90
    Sorry! As i'm new to the forums it seemed to be the best place to post. I now know better :D
    Post by: kholdstare90, Mar 9, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. kholdstare90
    First off I am extremly sorry if this is under the wrong section it's just that this seemed to be the best place.

    Secondly I really want a good quality picture of the emblem on the desk during twilight town day 6.

    That is the best i can come up with. Also if anyone has it a decent picture of the endless symbol. The best I have is this.

    We (me and my best friend) call it the endless symbol because thats what kh1 seems to point to, also mentioning the nobodies. Another side, another story and deep dive mention it off the top of my head.

    Also I'm sorry if the endless symbol doesn't work, it works fine on my account just not outside it.
    Thread by: kholdstare90, Mar 9, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX