i think Larxene is very hawt, though kairi and aqua are my favs, ESPECIALLY AQUA
THANK YOU!!!!! this is so awesome finally some scans of beautiful aqua-sama
really? well I mean yea theres been some epic fails lately but I mean thats not a reason to give up on em and there are gems out there like crisis core
main character of the new FF agito XIII that was at the party said was comeing to the PSP and since I'm a PSP fan-boy I'm going crazy (lol I just noticed ven is also from a PSP game I really am a PSP fan-boy)
hey DC hey what does everybody think of my new sig?
not alot of info but its just as well to have and I lol's at the Xbox joke thanks xaldin
DUDE thats sweet really I wanted to see aqua in the dress anyway (remember she was dancing in the castle)
darn right we do too bad it will most likely won't be till a few weeks from now for em to be put up
so who's gonna stay up all night to wait forSE party info? yea its midnight here but I can't sleep with this crap goin on
so how many days of the event are there?
nice I hope it will be released for us to listen to its gonna be AWSOME
well thats kinda redundant I mean there shoyld be a limit of these things or KH is gonna turn into DBZ EVERYBODY GO SUPER SAYIAN EVERYBODY GET YOUR KEYBLADES
uuuh huh xion isn't a keyblade master to my knowledge
its not a FFVII remake its a directors cut of advent children don't blow a vessel there
well with the huge announcements already comeing out I'd say it won't take long for the bootlegged pics to be up and ready I'd say in about 7 to 12 hours there will be some stuff coming out