does anyone kno where i can find the song Rising Sun to put on my MP3 player. i've seen the videos, but i want just the audio file so that i can put it on my mp3. i cant find it on limewire anywhere. so if anyone knows how i can get it, please let me know! thank you
my memory card is 256 that big enough for the video? i really appreciate you doing that for me! your a big of my friends told me to download something called "SUPER"..which is a converter...but im not good with computers and i tried using it and it just confused me more...i need something simple. lol. so THANK YOU a BUNCH!! i really appreciate it. BOTH of you guys have been a BIG help!
i have a PSP, and i am trying to get the opening of KH2 onto it, but i dont know how! someone told me that i had to convert it to an mp4 file or something. is there any websites that have it already converted so i can get it on my PSP????????