Recent Content by khlover99

  1. khlover99
    well have u tried staying in mickeys teachers castle it vary well might resemble the things that happend in the game take a look at roxess kh i have it (u apperntley need to go to japan to get it)ive noticed when roxes and axel are sitting on top of the clock tower and if u look realy close (eat lots of carrots to see this)there is some sort of sign that resebles both heartless and nobodeys but theres a nother sible thats vary fimaleyer to the castle in the.. wel inless u got this game this world will apear,anyway if u look at the castle of a 1000 swords(dont know what disney put in here)but if u look ull see the vary same sible its looks like some sort of light keyblade and a dark keyblade crossing echother with chains wrap around each one and theres some new charticter called zarc he is apperly dizs father and he can rip thru time and worlds he can destoy world and he can kill 10 billon heartless & nobodeys but he makes some diffrent creatures call the void and as soon as i bea this 86 hour game then ill tell u more
    Post by: khlover99, Jan 17, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX