Recent Content by KHfanatic4life

  1. KHfanatic4life
  2. KHfanatic4life
  3. KHfanatic4life
    Profile Post by KHfanatic4life for Amaury, Sep 4, 2011
  4. KHfanatic4life
    How can I convert my .GIF's into acceptable sizes here on According to this website it has to be 500x500 pixels or less than 1000 bytes?
    Thread by: KHfanatic4life, Sep 3, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  5. KHfanatic4life
    UGGHHH!! SO Confused.... :/
    Status Update by KHfanatic4life, Sep 2, 2011
  6. KHfanatic4life
  7. KHfanatic4life

    These tips may help assemble your team. I noticed how the tip says to include Albert in your team.


    In case you really need help in battling Faust:

    1. Have Albert in your party. Rose Storm works wonders, as Faust's magical attacks are very powerful.

    2. Aside from Dart and Albert, try to include a member with high defense against magic, such as Meru or Miranda. I would personally go with Miranda, simply because you have an instant healer if you need it.

    3. Dragoon Additions work better than spells. Faust is strong in the magic department, but downright feeble physically. Take advantage of this by hitting him hard with a physical attack, preferably from Albert. In fact, have Albert initiate the Dragoon Special if you can for some added damage.

    4. Have some Angel's Prayers ready. Someone will probably die in this battle, due to Faust's high-powered magic.

    5. For every 1/4 of his HP you take him down by, he'll unleash a rather devastating magical attack. Try to have some Angel's Prayers and/or a healing spell from Meru/Miranda ready.
    Post by: KHfanatic4life, Sep 2, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  8. KHfanatic4life
    Ghosts 'N Stuff - deadmau5
    Post by: KHfanatic4life, Sep 2, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  9. KHfanatic4life
    Avatar: 9/10 i love the resolution of the image
    Signature: 8/10 .gif's are always the best ;)
    Post by: KHfanatic4life, Sep 2, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  10. KHfanatic4life
    Sig: 10!/10 (Can't wait for the Game!!) XD
    Post by: KHfanatic4life, Sep 2, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  11. KHfanatic4life
  12. KHfanatic4life
    Yea I only used Shana for the bosses (especially that annoying Green Tusked Dragon w/ its poison attacks -_- ) due to her magic being able to heal 3 party members at once, otherwise i stocked up on health potions for the other enemies. I used Lavitz until I received Haschel as a team member and immediately swapped him out. I found using the button combinations were easier to use while playing Herschel rather than playing Lavitz or Albert. (Of course like you said, Herschel only has a limted number of addtions at first) I never really used Albert unless it was required. I'm fixing to pop in Disc One after all this talk of strategy battling. lol
    Post by: KHfanatic4life, Sep 2, 2011 in forum: Gaming