Recent Content by khfan900

  1. khfan900
    either way I dont care how the game ends , i only care about how the games story line goes
    Post by: khfan900, May 26, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. khfan900
    how the scene from kh2fm+ adds up to kh 1 (idea)

    i think after the video terra goes to finish master zehanort but cant and fuses with him and then they both lose their memory and become ansems apprentice , but when zehanort splits into heartless and nobody xemnas recognises roxas and allows him to join organisation 13 for 2 reasons (1.we want to find out more about the keyblade as he was able to weild it ) (2. the terra side of him recognises him roxas but as Venn instead of him being roxas)
    but this is only and idea . i have no clue if this anywhere near true
    Post by: khfan900, May 25, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX