Render- Sasuke vs Naruto The part when theres colors flying eveerywhere Colour - Same as from Sample picture Matching Avi -Sure Text - It's been unleashed Size- This size
Lol okay were is it?
It's accually really good seriously.
I don't know but it would be nice.
I like cloud because he stabbed him like 5 times. GO CLOUD!!!:D
Not yet but am saying if they did wouldn't that be nice!:)
:D I still watch sponge bob sometimes.But I like Danny Phantom it's a good show.
I don't know if I can post this on here but what do you think if Disney Land added a part were there was Kingdom Hearts? I don't know about you guys but I'll be going there this summer and if they added that it would be really nice.
I liked Nightmare before Christmas too.
Yeah I agree they are annoying.
Okay cool lets start.
Im right and it's really hard to use left for me.
Yea seriously guys grow up.
Thats good cause now I finally no about the people in Destiny Islands.Nice find guys.