Recent Content by kfdz277

  1. kfdz277
  2. kfdz277
    why does the all items code have 2 lines of code which have one character extra?
    this is the line:
    what numbers do i take out, the 0s?
    Post by: kfdz277, Aug 20, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  3. kfdz277
    Is this patch dead? I reeeaaalllly hope someone can get the text from 1.5 and plug it in ala CrazyCatz00 did to KH2FM. I definitely would, but I have zero understanding of coding.
    Post by: kfdz277, Oct 11, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  4. kfdz277
    Is there a code that can make Lazy Afternoons and Sinister Sundown play in the real Twilight Town? I know there are BGM modifiers, but it doesn't seem to list those two, nor is there a way to joker it based on the world you're in. Is this even possible?
    Post by: kfdz277, Sep 26, 2015 in forum: Code Vault