I've been trying very hard to get a hold of tools to mod the game that don't have trojan files within them. I'm using a Japanese PS2 Copy of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, and I need a couple texture files changed.
For Sora:
I'd personally like to utilize the Alpha D23 Original Screenshots from 2001> for a Sora play through on my Discord Stream. I understand it may be more work to take off the back of his hair so it's really not necessary, just the retexture.
Kingdom Key D: I'd really like to be able to wield Mickey's key. I know a mod for it existed with CrazyCat00's tools but I was unable to get his files without viruses. Mainly though, I'd really mostly like the above Sora Request.
Donald and Goofy: Their original base uniforms would be great! I'm fairly certain these models exist in-game due to the end cutscene but it's likely that they're just cutscene models. If this is too much, that's fine, as I stated I'm mostly concerned with the Sora Texture!
I would love it if these could be made into KH1Patch files as well