Recent Content by KeyofDestinyXIV

  1. KeyofDestinyXIV
    I having trouble obtaining a proper list for the matrials in KH2FM+, if you have a good recomendation, please post it, thenks
    Thread by: KeyofDestinyXIV, Jul 16, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. KeyofDestinyXIV
    uhh, i would vote, but ya, i dont rlly like ta worlds, kinda boring, but i would say Destiney Islands if i had 2 choose a worlds, i like ta exit hallways (boss fites) i always heard tat ta bosses r hard, is it just me, or r they ez? (i only hav PS2 version)
    Post by: KeyofDestinyXIV, Dec 21, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. KeyofDestinyXIV
    i would perfer PS2, mostly cuz voice actors and graphics althou ta GBA was fun, i didnt like half as much as PS2
    Post by: KeyofDestinyXIV, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. KeyofDestinyXIV

    is ur Moogle up 2 the max level? (level 9) once u get it up high enough, u can synthesis the wep, i believe you get ta one from 100 Acre Woods when you complete it, but im not sure, i just find it easier to finish everythin first, then go and synthesis it.
    Post by: KeyofDestinyXIV, Nov 23, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help