Recent Content by Keyblade_of_Nobody

  1. Keyblade_of_Nobody
    Can you add Anti form for anyone who actually likes it?

    Anyways, my favorite is Valor. What's not to like about smacking people around with two Keyblades and with the form that raises your physical attributes the most (aside from Final)? That, and the color red is awesome on Sora XD

    Limit comes in second place. I loved those abilities in KH I, and it's nice to see them back.
    Post by: Keyblade_of_Nobody, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Keyblade_of_Nobody
    So what are you, then? French?
    Anyways, all other animals do the exact same things, just on a smaller level and you don't know it.
    Post by: Keyblade_of_Nobody, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. Keyblade_of_Nobody
    I don't have a Myspace. There really is not much to do on one. You comment a picture, and that's about all you can do. It's the worst f***ing online community there is. Gaia is much better and funner.
    Post by: Keyblade_of_Nobody, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  4. Keyblade_of_Nobody
    I don't know exactly where to put this, so I'll put it right here.

    Scrolling through some of the videos on this site, I was suprised to see a bunch of cutscenes and boss battle videos available only on Stream. These haven't been given a download link, as far as I know:

    KH II English Cutscenes
    Twilight Town: Day Five
    Land of Dragons - First Visit
    Timeless River
    Port Royal - First Visit
    Agrabah - First Visit
    Halloween Town - First Visit
    Pride Lands - First Visit
    Hollow Bastion - Fifth Visit
    Agrabah - Second Visit

    Japanese Cutscenes
    Twilight Town: Day Four
    Twilight Town: Day Five
    Twilight Town - First Visit
    Land of Dragons - First Visit
    Olympus Coliseum - First Visit
    Timeless River
    Port Royal - First Visit
    Agrabah - First Visit
    Halloween Town - First Visit
    Pride Lands - First Visit
    Hollow Bastion - Fifth Visit
    The World That Never Was Part II

    KH II: FM
    Fate of The Unknown
    All New Boss Battles

    KH: Re: CoM R/R
    Basements Seven through One
    Destiny Islands
    Twilight Town
    All Boss Battles

    Finally, the cutscenes that ARE in Reverse/Rebirth's subbed sections are not subbed versions. Please correct this. Thank you.
    Thread by: Keyblade_of_Nobody, Jul 22, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Discussion
  5. Keyblade_of_Nobody
    Where's Valor and Final and Anti?!
    Post by: Keyblade_of_Nobody, Jul 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Keyblade_of_Nobody
    Here's mine (might have to come in as multiple posts):

    Keyblade Collector (Split into mulitple "Phases")

    Phase I
    HP: 8 bars
    EXP: 3000
    Difficulty: Medium
    Location: Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden (where you fight the 1000 Heartless, after that event)
    Weapons: Two Kingdom Keys
    Keyblade Slash: Self-explanatory
    Keyblade Tornado: Spins around with Keyblades extended outwards
    Keyblade Armadillo: Rolls in midair, Keyblades swinging vertically
    Aura of The Key: Much like Riku's Dark Aura attack in KH: CoM
    Rewards: MP Max Increased
    Drive Gauge Max Increased
    Elixir x2

    Phase II
    HP: 10 bars
    EXP: 5000
    Difficulty: Medium
    Location: Christmas Town
    Weapons: Two Desicive Pumpkins
    Attacks: Same as before, plus
    Keyblade Gun: Similar to the "Shoot" Command in Sora's Wisdom Form
    Double Strike Raid: Strike Raid w/ two Keyblades
    Rewards: Goofy HP Increased
    Donald HP Increased
    Donald MP Increased

    Phase III
    HP: 10 bars
    EXP: 5500
    Difficulty: Hard
    Location: Space Paranoids
    Weapons: Photon Debugger and Monochrome
    Attacks: Same as before, plus
    Locking the Door: Makes Driving temporarily unavailable
    Rewards: Drive Gauge Max Increased

    Phase IV (the Final Phase)
    HP: 15 bars
    EXP: 20000
    Difficulty: Supreme
    Location: Twilight Town
    Weapons: Fenrir and Sleeping Lion
    Attacks: Same as before, plus...
    Keyblade Armageddon: A very fast, very powerful and very rutheless combo attack.
    Memories of Darkness: Summons a silhouette of a Disney villain. All have but two bars of health
    Releasing The Heart: K.C. gains a black aura temporarily. One hit from K.C. in this state is an automatic kill.
    Rewards: All stats increased
    Heart's Resolve Keyblade
    Post by: Keyblade_of_Nobody, May 17, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Keyblade_of_Nobody
    Sephiroth seems more of a Heartless to me. He talks about darkness all the time, which is what Heartless do. Nobodies talk about their lack of hearts all the time. Personally, I think in the KH Universe...

    Original Being: Zack (play Final Fantasy VII to learn who he is)
    Heartless: Sephiroth
    Nobody: Cloud

    Anyways, Organization XIII Names (Nobodies do not always need X's in their names):
    Riku: Ikrux
    Kairi: Raixik (but officially, her Nobody is Namine. :P Oh well.)
    Post by: Keyblade_of_Nobody, May 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Keyblade_of_Nobody
    Nobody knows the true name of Axel or Luxord.
    Post by: Keyblade_of_Nobody, May 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX