Recent Content by keyblade master Rudy

  1. keyblade master Rudy

    Darkness takes over five years later after Sora and Riku kill Xemneas and give peace to the worlds in that time a war has begun. Sora must fight Xehoadrt so the worlds won't fall to darkness but Xehonort was a step ahead and set darkness around the world it has taken over many world and few are left.

    Chapter Two

    The new Keyblade wealders but their five wealders who don't know their powers. Their names are Rudy, Joseph, Robert and Estaban

    Chapter Three - Fates Sealed

    Rudy jumped off the tree and said tonight we leave to the keyblade graveyard to help Sora! He said load Robert said no way right now! sure said Joseph. Estaban is quiet and then says alright let's go! And they left unaware of there fates.

    If this is good so far give me ex and i will right more by Rudy Archuleta
    Thread by: keyblade master Rudy, Mar 19, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Archives