Recent Content by Key_of_Destiny

  1. Key_of_Destiny
    Demyx is just lazy and doesn't want to fight. He is actually quite a good fighter--there's a whole thread talking about how long it took people to defeat him in the second battle against him in Kingdom Hearts II. I lost to him so many times before saying, "Screw it" and putting the game down for a month before playing it again (and finally beating him).
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Jan 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Key_of_Destiny
    I don't think Axel can be called good or bad. He's simply Axel, and he made good choices and bad choices, but his reasons were never bad, in the sense that they were evil. Axel was just trying to get what he wanted, like anybody else in the world.
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Jan 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Key_of_Destiny
    You don't obtain anti form unless you use a cheat to put it in your drive menu. You just randomly go into anti form.
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Jan 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Key_of_Destiny
    You know you're obsessed with Kingdom Hearts:

    When you name an English assignment after something a character from the game said. ((Like 'My Heart Belongs to Me'. Of which I am so guilty. xD ))

    When you start singing Sanctuary in math class while drawing Kingdom Hearts fanart when you should be working on your homework. ((Guilty. xD ))

    When it gets dark and starts to storm you claim, "The door has opened."

    When you see a star blinking and you start running around telling everybody you know that it's a world being destroyed by the Heartless, only to discover that it was a plane. ((Guilty. xD ))

    When you've made up an Organization XIII name for your friend and tell her that you will refer to her by that name and only that name, and convince her to go by that name on Myspace. ((Guilty. xD ))

    When you glare scathingly at the people dressed as Maleficent and Jafar... And when they ask, "What's your problem?" you shout, "Leave Riku alone!"

    When you talk about Kingdom Hearts more than the person who got you into Kingdom Hearts in the first place. ((Again, guilty.))

    When it's all that gets you from day to day.

    When you see a cloud and claim it's shaped as the Keyblade. ((It was! It was so the Keyblade! Honest!))

    When you have a Battle of the Fangirls over any character.

    When you claim any character stole your identity.

    When you blame Ansem or Xemnas for your typos.

    You throw the controller at the tv when a cutscene comes on that you particularly don't like. ((I almost did that when Maleficent called Sora wretched. *growltwitch*))

    When you can beat all three games with your eyes closed.

    When you have beaten all three games a hundred times over, but still cry when Riku gets sealed behind the door of Kingdom Hearts.

    When you expect the characters to show up at your school.
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Aug 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Key_of_Destiny
    But the main reason I like yuri is because it keeps them away from my yaoi. That makes me very happy. ^^
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Aug 3, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. Key_of_Destiny
    I don't like very many yuri pairings, but I do like KaiNam.
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Jul 30, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. Key_of_Destiny
    -.- That would make about as much sense as everything else in the manga. xD
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Jul 29, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Key_of_Destiny
    1. You can read them at Naruto Manga Returns which updates a new translated chapter every Friday.
    2. He does look like Yondaime... In fact, if it weren't for the Rain hitai-ate I would claim that it is him. xD
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Jul 29, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Key_of_Destiny
    Pain is the one with the flower in her hair. Akatsuki Leader's name still hasn't been revealed. He's also answering to a higher power. Have you read 364?
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Jul 29, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. Key_of_Destiny
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. Key_of_Destiny
    Actually no, he's not. Not completely. Kabuto somehow infused himself with Orochimaru or something and it's slowly taking over him. Hinata saw with her Byakugan that it had taken over 1/3 of him. So... he's not really dead. Mostly dead. Yeah, that sounds right. Mostly dead.

    And my favorites are Sasuke, Itachi, Deidara, and Sasori. ^^
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  12. Key_of_Destiny
    I'm not opposing NarutoxHinata. I think it's a very cute pairing. But I'm just as passionate about SasuNaru. And SasuSaku can burn in hell. If any pairing is wrong, that one is. Besides... *innocent look* I'm pretty sure Sakura gets together with Gaara. *runs off to check Wikipedia*
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Key_of_Destiny
    ロクサス is Rokusasu which is Roxas. The new look IS cool. xD
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Mar 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  14. Key_of_Destiny
    Good news, I beat Maleficent (Thanks!). Bad news, I'm stuck at Ansem/Riku. I almost beat him, his green health bar is down to less than halfway and he starts charging around like crazy and I can't get a hit in. Also, it's hard to heal because he's so unrelenting. Any tips?
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Mar 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Key_of_Destiny
    Nuuu!!! SasuNaru all the way! Believe it! xDD NarutoxHinata is cute too... But WTF??? SASUSAKU??? NO F*CKING WAY!!! That's wrong right there. *shudders* They have... brother-sister love, but that's it.
    Post by: Key_of_Destiny, Feb 17, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga