Recent Content by KevinBlue035

  1. KevinBlue035
    For non disney worlds I'd like to see Shibuya as a cross over with It's a wounderful world/The world ends with you

    And for Disney worlds I want one based off Lilo & Stitch, Robin hood(an excuse to use sora's original anthro lion design), and an expanded never land

    and world that probably will never ever hapen but would be awesome: an Okami world(Ancient Japan), a Naruto world(Hidden leaf villige/other villeges?), a Bleach world(Ichigo's town/the spirit world), a Devil may cry world(New york/hell?), and a Viewtiful Joe world(Movie land)
    Post by: KevinBlue035, Feb 6, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX